MovieChat Forums > Are You Afraid of the Dark? (1992) Discussion > What are the scariest episodes in the wh...

What are the scariest episodes in the whole series?

What are the scariest episodes in the whole series?


The tale of the frozen ghost
The tale of the hungry hounds



There was a episode where it showed very quick shots of a girl screaming (she was old and the screen was yellowish?) I think?


Haven't seen them all but the one about the dollhouse was creepy

Al - Alicia
An - Andrew
Jo - Joseph
Be - Benjamin


"Tale of the Dead Man's Float." In fact, that was the only episode which made me have a hard time falling asleep. LOL


Laughing in the Dark
The Hungry Hounds
The Hatching
The Thirteenth Floor
The Midnight Madness
The Dark Music
The Lonely Ghost
Dead Man's Float
The Night Shift
The Twisted Claw
The Silent Servant
Apartment 214
The Prom Queen


@codyhoskins: THE HATCHING!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!! My favorite episode of them all. Such a creepy premise...

Also to whoever mentioned the lack of love for The Chameleons, YES TO YOU TOO!! That WAS a very unnerving episode. Very Bodysnatchers. Which is a premise that has always freaked me out personally.

My personal favorites:
The Tale of the Hatching
The Tale of the Chameleons
The Tale of the Laughing in the Dark (everyone is spot on about this one)
The Tale of the Closet Keepers (this is actually a lot to do with me liking the relationship between the two characters though, but it's also a pretty freaky episode)
The Tale of the Frozen Ghost

I always wanted to be an orphan. I could've been if it hadn't been for my parents.


Nobody voted The Tale of the Chameleons as one of the scariest episodes? That one actually gave me nightmares! It had a dark twist at the end, too.

"So long, and thanks for all the fish." - Douglas Adams


Yeah that was a proper dark twist at the end. Probably one of the darkest twists of the whole series. 13th floor had a pretty creepy twist at the end. And Midnight madness.

Also I thought the old man Corcoran episode was well creepy and scary. Also The shiny red bicycle was scary. And The tale of The dream girl and The Dark Dragon.


I still remember being really scared of the monster in 'The Tale of Dead Man's Float'

Passenger side, lighting the sky
Always the first star that I find
You're my satellite...


The Tale of the Dead Man's Float


Reply to the correct user, next time

If listening to Katy Perry and drinking margaritas makes you gay, who wants to be straight!


There was a episode where it showed very quick shots of a girl screaming (she was old and the screen was yellowish?) I think?

I still cant find it.. :( any more suggestions as to what the episode could be?



^remember anymore details on that episode.


There was a episode where it showed very quick shots of a girl screaming (she was old and the screen was yellowish?) I think?

I still cant find it.. :( any more suggestions as to what the episode could be?

The Tale of the Quiet Librarian? The Tale of the Unfinished Painting??

I got news for em. Theres gonna be hell to pay. Cause I aint Daddys little boy no more


For me, Its the Ghastly Grinner, far and away. Still creeps me out till this day. I also remember being creeped out by The Tale Of The 13th Floor.


I vote for TALE OF THE TWISTED CLAW - in my opinion this is the best episode; the two boys act their parts so well.


The Tale of the Quicksilver


The clown one

The night nurse


The Tale of the Ghastly Grinner is really creepy; I just watched that one on dvd.


The Dark Music
The Silent Servant
