Keno blows!!!

When I was a kid, I didn't notice. In fact, I probably thought he was awesome because of his martial arts skill. But after watching this again on youtube, WOW! Every time the guy opens his little brat mouth, it's like nails on a chalkboard. But I must admit, he is quite the charmer. The way he slips into April's apartment like Keno Suave. And how about his comment to that girl who weighed about 120? "When I do, I'll dream of something a little thinner. *high-pitched-douche-laugh*"
Ah, Keno, encouraging eating disorders with every delivery.

What a little chode!

"I like fixin' people gooood!"
- Papa Jupiter


He was okay, but he wasn't my favorite.

"I write songs, you just never let us play any of them!"-Fluttershy


I thought Keno was okay but I much preferred Casey Jones over him, I thought Keno was a bit too whiny for my liking.
