surely this is a HUGE PLOTHOLE
I love this film and have had the recent pleasure of watching it again after about 10 years. When watching it last night however I discovered what could be a major plothole. When Jimmy and Spencer are at the ball game Jimmy catches the ball and the whole park and tv audience see him on tv, this prompts cops to chase him out of the stadium after recognising him. This is the part where they slide down the wire on Spencers filofax. My question is, surely if he was supposed to be a hostage in jail why would the stadium police try to catch him after he caught the ball because if they even new who he was they would have known he was a prison hostage who could not be at a ball game. Then again if they relised he did escape the prison and somehow the whole thing was a plan by Jimmy then surely this would render his whole break back into prison scheme and release pretty much impossible.
Does anyone else agree or did anyone notice this when they watched the film.
Great film by thew way, a childhood favourite.