star trek ended here

the new films are a separate time line and are nothing like these characters and this was the last with the original cast. when Enterprise A moves off out of the khitomer orbit its like the end

you do not punish someone for having big boobs!


Star Trek has never ended and hopefully nor shall it ever.

Cinema is the memory of life.


the name never ended no

you do not punish someone for having big boobs!


Star Trek did end here, with a slight epilogue in ST: Generations.

The subsequent TV series and films - despite their often very fine productions - were never quite able to match the Original Series and the films based on it.


PLEASE tell me you're fucking joking?


For all intents and purposes (to me at least), you're right. The Next Generation was okay but the movie series left a lot to be desired. And I won't go into my thoughts on the newer films because I've never warmed up to them.




the original timeline is still going even today ( PICARD )


This is definitely the end of TruTrek. Aside from Generations and a few crossover episodes, everything goes smoother in the spinoff version era if you ignore this era and simply see Enterprise as the replacement prequel series.


I say TOS ended with ST4.
Some great stuff scattered about in TNG (and even a little to enjoy in DS9 and VOY ... a little) but what I consider real ST did in fact end with ST4 IMHO.


this is basically the only cast i care about. it ends with the futurama episode.


Yes, Trek was never the same after VI
