SPOILER! The absurdities that ruin 'Shattered'
For a good part of this movie, it simply is a beautiful neo-noir. Casting, location, atmosphere - it's all there. However, I cannot get past the absolutely ridiculous ending that <spoiler alert!> has us believe that Dan Merrick is actually Jack Stanton. Merrick goes back to work, goes to see Jenny, the interaction with Klein, all of this and NOBODY seems to notice that "Dan Merrick" has a different voice. A different personality. Different mannerisms. On and on and on. The writer(s)/director thought that by just changing the FACE, they could pull off a believable thriller. No way. It ruined the entire movie and is one of those that implies the audience must be brain dead to fall for all of that. Just a little bit of thought - and you realize you have been HAD. First 1/2 of the movie is an A. The second half (and especially the last quarter): F