
This is a great movie that needs to be seen by more people.


I agree, very good movie indeed.



Hilarious one liner but I disagree I really like this movie.

I've got a job, a secretary, a mother, two ex-wives and several bartenders that depend upon me


You think this is underrated? The viewer is betrayed with what wishes it was an O. Henry ending, but fails miserably. If I had seen this in a movie theater, I would have demanded my money back. Since my wife got it through Netflix, it is just a bump in the road. The screenwriter should be tarred and feathered and run out of town on a rail. Wouldn't it have been a hoot when "Dan Merrick" went to the hospital, and they gave him blood based on his medical records and he died? Fingerprints, blood type, trying to fake being an architect, different voice, just way too many idiotic parts to ignore.

You can't fix stupid - Ron White





It is under-rated even if flawed !


Most definitely !


I agree, it was underrated.


If you're going to invalidate movies because of their being unrealistic then you may as well wipe out every movie ever made-especially the many bio pics that rarely seem to get the person's life story right! SHATTERED is an enjoyable and suspenseful film. The performances are great, the characters are interesting, the plot twists are fascinating, the scenery is captivating.


I love this comment. I like the movie a lot.


Exactly!!! Why even watch anything? I agree 100%

Wait! Wait! Where are you going? I was gonna make Espresso!


I agree, very enjoyable and probably this is my fav. twist in a movie.


So many never heard of this Movie. I thought Tom Bearenger was really good in it.


A little flawed perhaps, but still, an underrated gem if there ever was one.


I agree. I enjoyed the hell out of this film. Love the Hitchcock-heavy feel. It's too bad about the film's implausibility: Tom Berenger's character managing to pass as his lover's husband. Maybe if more time had been dealt with the sneaking suspicions of the husband's former friends it could have been pulled off. Of course Peterson didn't follow this route because he didn't want to give away his twist. Just another example of a director giving up depth and insight for a gee-whiz, gosh-pow ending. Too bad.

My rating; 9


Couldn't agree more! Still remember I was shocked when I saw that important scene whereas the main lead discovers the truth.
Nowadays, more and more movies want to have a twist but audience are not that easily surprised anymore.


I agree.


really awesome film,RIP Mr Hoskins..


I enjoyed this movie immensely. Some of it was silly, but no sillier than Norman Bates and his dead mother. I gave it an 8.

Son, you can't polish a turd
