Better than Transformers!
If only Transformers had let the robots actually fight in a way where you could see the action like Robot Jox.
If only.
If only Transformers had let the robots actually fight in a way where you could see the action like Robot Jox.
If only. did.
I saw it all. I mean I guess a few people didn't catch the heads being ripped off or the metal pieces flying in transformers.
It was pretty fast paced especially during that scorpion/gunship fight. I mean I saw his left leg get flung into a building and when that dudes head fell off after the scorpion decepticon flung him in the air.
There was a lot of things that happened, even in the intercepter/ bumble bee fight scene where he rips the insides out of that decepticon (At the beginning)
transformers the cartoon series or are you talking about The big budget remake? I haven't seen robot jox is it good?
Robot Jox is a gem, and I always hoped that when we got a live-action Transformers movie it would be like this.
In honesty, the Transformers movie surpassed my expectations, although I'd agree that the action scenes are rather confusingly edited. There's also far too much humour in a film concerning the potential annihilation of the human race...
Robot jox is definetely a btter and more serious movie than Transformers. I also always preferred the stopmotion effects from the CGI ones
shareYou know what? The first time i watched Robot Jox on VHs then on TV programme, I loved it ever since, then comes Transformers, still.. Robot Jox gave me the deepest reminiscine of robo-entertainment, inclusive with seriousness, of course... and what i mean was, transformers too spontaneous, though it's perfectly produced by steven speilberg and the director michael bay...
and still, Robot Jox the best i've watched... and i agreed the stop motion effect, compared to CGI, the effort and the budget were far out and i;m so impressed to think of it. (I've been in production line and i know how's things really work a little, just like george lucas did his star wars before, and still better than the recent episods...)
Where Miseries Beyond Boundaries..
I don't exactly prefer one effect over the other as far as technique goes (both are equally tedious), what I do have a problem with is the design sensibilities the techniques each entail.
Transformers could not have been done in stop-motion, the robots' designs are too elaborate (they were clearly designed with computers in mind); I can barely imagine building one, let alone animating it. On the other hand, the Jox-Bots are simpler in construction, but look more realistic. The Transformers look and move like marionettes. By comparison, Jox-Bots, because they are, in fact, real physical objects, have to obey at least two of Newton's three laws of physics. As a result, they have a greater degree of credibility even with their slightly jerky movements (which computer-editing has only really been able to reduce and not eliminate).
Between the jerkiness of stop-motion and the over-fluidity of CG, I think the former carries a greater dramatic weight.
I have to completely agree. The fact that this was stop motion seemed to make the bots move in a more realistic manner. For some reason, Hollywood with all it's over the top CGI stuff is so concerned with making the CGI characters move like humans. When I saw the transformers movie last year, I never got the feeling that I was looking at robots. They were big cartoony characters that moved like humans. In Robot Jox, The bots are slow and lumbering, with all kinds of sounds as the pistons and hydraulics and gears whir and spin during the fight. Great stuff. There's just something that looks good there. I, for one am really impressed, considering that it was a low budget film, that they were able to pull off something that looks as good as it does. There was so much potential for it to look horrid and I'm impressed that they got it to look as good as it does.
shareWhen I saw the transformers movie last year, I never got the feeling that I was looking at robots. They were big cartoony characters that moved like humans.The movie was based off the cartoon, in which they didn't walk like giant lumbering robots, either.
Robotjox has a mech with a crotch-mounted chainsaw.
That's hard to beat.
That's a penis-saw...
Transformers has dangling robot balls tho'.
shareThe only thing good about TF was the bayformer designs. And I never saw such incompetent decepticon skill like what they displayed in the end battle scene.
sharetransformers just sucked, michael bay cant direct for *beep* and why were the transformers a secondary character? not the main characters? badly written badly acted stupid storyline and the directing was so horrid i wanted to leave teh theater terrible movie.
shareI don´t think this one is better than transformers.
Transformers was sick, awsome.. but I still love this movie.
“Free and responsible government by popular consent just can´t exist without an informed public.”
i saw this in the theater thinkin it was the best movie ever made... of course i was about 7 back then. i watch this movie now and i just laugh my ass off as to how shltty it is. transformers kicks the crap out this pile of junk.
Open center of the mouth, chocolate green fuzzy balls IN THE FACE!!
I gotta say this is one of those defining films of my childhood. it doesn't make the holy trinity of sci fi(terminator, robocop, blade runner) that pretty much set my mind all wrong in my youth. However it is in that second tier of movies that i enjoyed and really got me and my mates worked up as nippers. Having rewatched it again it is clearly cheap and as the trivia section suggests it is also a kids movie that grown ups can enjoy. But it does still have a lot of charm and you know get the lads in, some beers and enjoy.
shareI agree I just watch one transfromers movie and was boring I can't understand why people like transformers i like more this movie.
shareI was really entertained the first couple of times I watched Transformers. I loved it in the theater and left pretty satisfied. Although it's a great entertaining movie, I still can't see a damn thing when the robots are fighting. I don't think you have to have a 1080 top of the line tv to enjoy a film.
With Robo Jox the screen presence of the miniature/robots were awesome. It was nice and breathtaking seeing something that was physically there opposed to CGI which plagues most movies these days and leaves you empty at the end.
Both are great, but 'Robot Jox' has 'Transformers' beat. IMO
No it wasn't. All three of the Transformers movies are f-cking horrendous.
shareMaybe it's because I saw it on the small screen but I couldn't make sense of what was going on in some of the battles in that first Transformers movie. It was a jumble of intertwined CGI, liquid-metalic-looking stuff. First and last Transformers movie I saw.
DISPLAY thy breasts, my Julia!
both films are junk