I've always thought that along with Tim Curry, John Lithgow is one of the best actors at playing pure terrifying unadulterated evil. It's his upper-class-seeming haughtiness, and superciliousness and mocking sneer that makes him such an effective villain, despite appearing, by all accounts, to be such a nice guy in person.
I always think that had the producers of 'The Silence of the Lambs' cast an American as 'Hannibal Lector' rather than a Brit, as sublime as Anthony Hopkins was, Lithgow with his cold, cruel, belittling intelligence would have been perfect. I also think he'd still make a great comic-book-movie villain (it's a shame nobody has cast him in such a role yet - Marvel Studios are you reading this?) He would have been my ultimate choice to play 'The Scarecrow/Dr. Jonathan Crane' in the 1990s Batman franchise had Tim Burton or Joel Schumacher got around to portraying that villain.