I do NOT think that Martin is gay at all. He is obviously aroused by Celia when she comes on to him, despite how horrid she has been to him. The fact that he's temporarily aroused DESPITE knowing how dangerous and evil she's shown herself to be is proof right there of his heterosexuality--know what I mean? It's like his body betrays his mind and his gut instincts at that moment, but then he comes back to his senses. The fact that he doesn't "want" her lies not in his homosexuality, but in the fact that he's a good guy who wants and deserves a nice, normal, kind, sweet, girl, not some evil, sadistic, psycho, obsessed stalker/freak! It's an insult to Martin to assume that he must be gay because he doesn't want to sleep with Celia, and, thus, have a relationship with her (she would have demanded more, and he knew that). Are blind men supposed to take whomever they can get, no matter how cruel or evil, because that's the best they can ever hope for?! Martin was hurt as a friend about the lie Andy told regarding the park photograph, and then he was hurt about the lie regarding Celia. He had told Andy how important honesty was to him early on, so this felt like such a betrayal. Then, he was upset because he realized that he'd lost the only male friend he'd ever had and he was still stuck with Celia. He was not hurt because he wanted Andy for himself. Thankfully, he managed to, again, come to his senses and fire Celia and forgive Andy.