No, it’s an entertaining movie… that’s for sure. But that is all.
The truth lies in Dark Legacy (2009), the documentary.
George HW Bush and his CIA were the culprits, and the theories that popped up mainly around his and his son’s administrations were misdirection.
Clay “Shaw” Bertrand was another in a long line of patsy, same as Oswald.
Evil as fvck, the Bushes are. Kennedy coup. 9/11, too. Inside job. Maybe not controlled demolition, but they let their Saudi business friend terrorists through to do as they please. War profiteering… just like grandpappy Prescott working with the Nazis.
Oliver Stone and Michael Moore are not *real* liberal attack dogs. Barr McClellan, too. On Bush payroll. Examine their works… and their times of activity. They helped create a narrative of subterfuge that made us underestimate the Bush regime as puppets—part of the “Deep State.”
Fahrenheit 9/11 (2004) re-elected Bush, and provided his “My Pet Goat” alibi with the kids. Anti-Gun hysteria like Bowling for Columbine (2002) *helps* GOP, not Dems—who just want common sense incremental reforms.
It all created an anti-establishment backlash which resulted in Trump. Sucks. But we didn’t need Jeb, that’s for sure. Thank fvckin’ Christ!
The half-century national nightmare is over! Even Trump is gone, too. Rejoice.