MovieChat Forums > Hudson Hawk (1991) Discussion > A quick poll for the fans of this movie

A quick poll for the fans of this movie

After looking on the boards for this movie I see that there are a lot of a**holes who feel it's their civic duty to come here and bash this movie. I really don't know what they're trying to accomplish, but can I get a quick show of hands from everybody who thinks these people should just shut the hell up and go watch whatever movies they do like.


Hudson Hawk is what most movies can only dream of being - ORIGINAL. You have my vote for sure.



Personally I love this movie. I'm a big believer in free speech so I believe all those "a**holes" do have a right to post their opinion on it. It is kinda sad that they have nothing better to do with their time. I am guilty of bashing the Star Wars Holiday Special so I guess that makes me hypocrite but at least I admit it.


And at last everyone gets his or her's cappacino.

"Airbags, can you *beep* believe it"


I've loved this movie since the first time I saw it in 1991. It just gets better every single time.

I'm watching it, now, even. :)


This movie's great - yeah, and although it's a commonly used accusation, I too think a lot of people simply don't get the joke.


My wife and I both really like this movie. I think a lot of people who don't like it didn't actually pay attention when they watched it.

For example, a lot of people complain about the singing but that means they didn't catch that it's a way of counting down an interval of time without using a watch (or worse yet, having to synchronize a pair of watches) -- different songs for different intervals. How hard is that to get? Yet dozens of people pan this movie on that point.

People also claim it's not "realistic" -- so what? When was the last realistic James Bond movie or any other action flick?

Bruce Willis is definitely bankable and we would certainly pay to see a sequel, both at the theater and on DVD.


Why can't anyone disagree with you? No need for a discussion board if everyone is of the same opinion is there? I you're not with me, you're against me! That sort of thing?

If you don't agree with someone, ignore them, knowing that you are right anyway, or try and make them see your point of view. Don't call them a**holes just because they have a different taste in movies than you do.

So if you didn't like this movie, speak up. If you did like it, speak up as well. This will make for a much more interesting discussion than a whole board full of name calling.


This movie is great. I know what it was. They wanted Die Hard in a cat burglar.
Its more like hmm, moonlighting. Which is what really started Bruce anyway.
I like Mr. Willis and have enjoyed his comedies, Okay I haven't seen the whole ten yards, but I imagine I'll enjoy it as well.

But Hudson Hawk tops my list of all time favourite bruce willis movies. Because it never takes itself seriously and just rolls with it. I've heard people make comments about incorrect song references, unrealistic this or that, bruce singing( which I enjoy bruce singing, heck I actually have his "return of bruno" cd) he sings a wonderful under the boardwalk and secret agent man.
My favourite running gag was the cappiciono, especially for 91 when it wasn't a big known drink like it is now at every coffee shop in america.

Its just fun. No pretense, no hidden agendas, no trying to mix different genres, just a fun comedy.


Gets my vote everytime !

Definitely the best: singing cat burglar, undercover Nun, MTVIA, knife wielding butler, secret Da Vinci artefacts movie ever made :-)


4 for me (if the feet count!) It's a Classic, like Ferry's Bueller Day's Off.
