After looking on the boards for this movie I see that there are a lot of a**holes who feel it's their civic duty to come here and bash this movie. I really don't know what they're trying to accomplish, but can I get a quick show of hands from everybody who thinks these people should just shut the hell up and go watch whatever movies they do like.
I think this movie is great. Couldn't understand it when I found out that basically everyone else I know hated it. Thank the lord for the internet. Finally others who share my point of view.
Know why I like this movie so much? There's nothing else quite like it. So many films are remakes or rip-offs of others; Hudson Hawk is definitely original.
I never participate much in IMDB like this, but after watching this movie for the umpteenth time, I felt I should come here and say something. I just watched the director's commentary for the first time and I felt really bad because he spends a long time (jokingly) apologizing for this movie. Well, mr. Lehmann, if you're reading this, go look for Bruce and Eddie and treat us to Hudson Hawk 2! If people don't get it it's their problem! This movie is a cult classic and it's totally amazing! I found out long after watching it many, many times that Bruce Willis created the characters, and it felt so right. To me, this is total Bruce. I have the feeling he's as light-hearted and funny as this movie and his character are.
All in all, wonderful experience, and as someone else mentioned, YES, it's an original flick in a sea of bad rip-offs.
You get my two hands up as well. I don't know what about it that makes this movie so cool, but it is. And to all you naysayers out there, no one relly cares about what you think anyway so you should probably stick to movies that you like, whatever lame ass chick flick that may be.
This is also one of my favorite movies, I wore out my vhs copy and got the dvd. I am totally baffled why people don't like it. Friends of mine who really enjoy odd or "bad" movies, Galaxina, Barbarella, Wrong is Right, etc. won't even watch this one. Oh well, their loss...
Guess they won't be attending that hat convention.
You have my two hands up as well! I saw this movie when I was 15 and am now 26 and it is still my favourite movie. I agree with the person above who said this is 'pure Bruce Willis', I think it is the closest we'll get to seeing the real Bruce on the screen. He wrote and spent a lot of his own money on this, and I think the movie is better for it.
It's a shame that Michael Lehmann spends the whole DVD commentary apologising for his brilliant movie - it just shows how much popularity and quality don't tend to go together. Mr Lehmann, you deserve better praise than you got! This is one for the ages.
My favourite scene is still the thumbcuffs part where Tommy says 'I'm putting out a fire with keroscene'. It's so quick, so clever...nobody writes movies like that anymore.
Anyway, everyone here is entitled to their opinions, but I think it's a brilliant movie. I like to watch it once or twice a year and I still laugh.
I watched this movie when it first came out even though the critics had panned it. And since the critics had panned it, a lot of people stayed away (if I recall correctly).
Perhaps because of my low expectations, I ended up very pleasantly surprised. This movie was very clever in parts and quite refreshing. Yeah, some parts of it were a bit silly, but not in a way that ruined the movie or anything.
This movie is far better than a lot of people give it credit for. I really do think some people are just ganging up on it because they don't really have the ability to formulate their own opinions on films.
One of my favorite movies of all time. One that sadly needs a sequal it will never see. It's fun. I mean really... you want bad just go rent 'The whole eleven yards'...
Yes, I agree it is such a funny movie. OK so it may not be Oscar material but hugely entertaining with a querky sense of humour. We need more fun in our lives!