MovieChat Forums > Begotten (1991) Discussion > Couldn't finish watching it

Couldn't finish watching it

I've seen Eraserhead twice and Tetsuo The Iron Man, but this one takes the cake. And don't get me wrong. I respect filmmakers that try to work outside the Hollywood system of tired out cliches and recycled concepts that are as intellectually stimulating as counting cracks on a ceiling. But this was too much. Don't think I even made it pass the halfway point, before I said to myself. "I'm done!" 😁


Yeah, it is basically an hour long pseudo-art masturbation. But at the time the author was 25 years old, so he is forgiven.


I suppose you're right. Peter Jackson was about the same age when he made his debut with "Bad Taste" and he went on to direct LOTR 😁


"Bad Taste" is fun. He did with it what he aimed for.


Not necessarily implying that BT was a bad film (had it's moments). I was just surprised to learn that the guy who directed Bad Taste, Meet The Feebles and Braindead. Was the same guy did LOTR.

But I will say this! Even in his early work, you could tell that Peter Jackson had a knack for directing large scale battle scenes.


thanks for the info


