MovieChat Forums > The Addams Family (1991) Discussion > Morticia and Gomez were sooo...

Morticia and Gomez were sooo...

Morticia and Gomez were so romantic in the movie! I loved it. They're lines are my favorite lines and so are their scenes. Honestly if the movie was just about them i would watch it because there are sooo romantic.
I love when in the 1st movie Gomez said "Oh Cara Mia, how long has it been since we last waltzed?" Morticia answered "Oh darling...hours."
And in the 2nd movie when Gomez is describing all the horrible things he would do for Fester (ex: "I would get down on my stomach and crawl on hot coals...", Morticia said "Why wait?" with a raised eyebrow. Like it's romantic, funny and kinda horny at the same time lol.
Gomez (Raul Julia) is probably my favorite character in both movies. He is soo adorable, nice and is actually a good father and husband. I hope when i get married my husband and i have that much passion between us...


No exaggeration, their relationship is probably the hottest, most romantic relationship in cinematic history. Their scenes together are my favorite in the movie. <3


'Gomez, don't torture yourself. That's my job'

'Gomez, last night you were like some wild out of control demonic beast. You frightened it again'

Their dialogue was comedy gold.


I love when they get passionate at the climax when Morticia is tied up and you hear the music for a little and then it suddenly stops because Dr. Pinderschloss interrupted them and then Gomez gives a very funny WTF look.


OMG. Okay I just watched this last night and rewound that part like five times. no joke. It made me just crack up. I thought, I would love background music like that to be an interlude during crazy times of the day with my girlfriend.

Best part of the movie - they are in serious peril but their passion made everything else take a pause.


Indeed. This film got down the romance perfectly.


couldn't agree more, anjelica's and raul's chemistry was off this planet. their passion, intensity, and love for each other was so realistic and believable, really great acting from well seasoned and experienced actors. morticia imo was the funniest character in the movie, i forgot all of her crazy dialogue delivered to perfection by anjelica. she was so captivating and beautiful.

i just realized that it's actually very rare to see such romantic chemistry like that in movies. they're few and far in between.


couple goals


I love them in the films as well, their chemistry is smoking hot! I love how this is a kid's movie yet their scenes and bdsm innuendos borders on a rated x. You can imagine what they do in closed doors, if they're this hot and passionate in a PG film, imagine if it was R rated.

BTW, the elf kid here is the snotty one I think in the first Jurassic Park film.


They WERE a beautiful couple! Their love and passion for each other just jumped off the screen.

"Don't torture yourself Gomez. That's my job." Funny and hot.


Wow, someone actually replied! I thought I was alone on this site! But I come here for the archival messages and pretend someone will reply to my replies.

And lo and behold, someone did! LOL!


LOL No, you're not alone. It's just a very small group on this site so far. I am hoping our numbers will grow.

I've been trying to get feedback by posting on every show that I like and even starting a "first post" on other old favorites like The Honeymooners.

The Addams Family and its sequel are two of my favorite movies. I recently bought a DVD with both films so I can watch them whenever the mood strikes. They are great films to discuss. Like....WHERE did they acquire Thing?? Was he "part" of an old friend? lol


I'm here as they added this first film on Netflix, and thoroughly enjoyed it! I hope they will add the second film as well!

Watching this has made me want to read or watch some silent dark films that remind me of Gomez tbh.

Did you used to watch the tv show? I never did but I have heard of it like I have heard of Gilligan's Island but never saw an episode.

Maybe Thing is just an eccentric shy vertically challenged man who like Howard Hughes grew certain fibers through extraordinary lengths, in Thing's case, his hair. LOL!

I love Morticia's clothes and makeup btw, I wonder what their life was like in that house. Like a vacation perhaps.


Vicky- you make me feel old! You never saw The Addams Family TV show or Gilligan's Island? lol

Yeah, my sister and I always watched the TV show when we were kids. Even though they were the same characters, the TV show was a lot less "racy". I mean, the passion between Gomez and Morticia was toned WAY down for TV in the 1960's.

Whenever Morticia would say something in French, Gomez would say, "Tish! Tha's French." He'd kiss her hand and work his way up her arm. But that was about as passionate as they got.

Wednesday was just as somber on the TV show but she wasn't homicidal like the movie version. And I don't think we were ever treated to a stroll through the family cemetery with its assortment of criminals and "mad dog killers". lol

I read somewhere that Pugsley was originally going to be called Pubert (like the baby in the second film), but they thought the name was too "racy" for television.

When you mentioned the growth of Thing's hair, did you mean Cousin Itt? Funny if you did because when I was a kid, my family would ask me to do my Cousin Itt impression. I always had long hair. It was down to my waist. So I would brush it over my face . My little sister used to get a kick out of it. Strange kid!


Well, I'm from the Philippines and they never showed it on cable here. Also those shows came out before I was born but tbh I don't think my parents watched them either, although my father may have seen an episode or 2 of The Addams Family I think.

I have seen some older tv shows though that I used to watch on cable, I have a romantic nostalgia for the past. i feel like I was born back then and was reincarnated, lol! I have seen a number of these older shows:

Star Trek (original)
Father Knows Best
I Dream of Jeanie

I have a question for you? Do you prefer the first 2 films and portrayal of the characters in the 90s or the original show still? My introduction to The Addams family were through these films and I have a nostalgia for them.

Oh yes, I meant cousin It! I always have long hair though once in a while I'll get an urge to chop it all off and have extreme boycut. So I too used to do the It impression after watching the film but lol, I also used my long hair to imitate scary white ladies (like those scary Asian films with scary ropey long hair).

I can't believe I mistook The Thing (the hand right?) for Cousin It! Sorry.


sorry Vicki, it took me so long to answer your question. I had to think about it! I didn't want to do a disservice to either the tv series or the films. They were just different.

The series was perfect for its day and place, namely, 1960's television. It couldn't go too far with the Gomez/Morticia passion or some of the more extreme elements of the movies like, "Wake the Dead", when they went out to the family burial ground with shovels. That would have been too intense for television.

The series was perfect for me as a child. It was just kooky and eccentric enough. But if I had seen the movies as a child, they would've scared me! But as an adult, the films are more my style. If that makes any sense...

Some of your favorite old shows like Star Trek and Bewitched, well I am a huge fan of those shows too. I've been a long time "Trekker". I have the first four seasons of Bewitched on DVD. It's a show I have always loved.

The Bewitched board at IMDB was usually pretty active. Here, not so much. (sad) I keep going there to look for new posts. But I feel so lonely. You should come over to the Bewitched board. I love talking about that show too!


No problem, I'm like that too when I love both a tv show and the film remakes. :)

Was it revolutionary when The Addams Family first came out? Were you dreading or excited or afraid that the news films (90s) would tank?

I was a child when the movies came out and that and the Batman Burton films were very dark and gothic for me, it was the first time I saw or viewed such a morbid fun world/universe! I don't remember being scared though although I found both the Joker & the Penguin especially gross and creepy. But on TAF, I was more fascinated by the world, the clothes and their supernatural abilities!

I'm a huge Star Trek fan, I've seen all the shows but my favorite is DS9 and I loved the underrated Enterprise.

Sure, I can check out the Bewitched board but I'm not sure how useful I can be, I only saw the show once in cable tv. :)


I didn't go see The Addams Family in the theater. A lot of old TV shows were being remade for film so it wasn't exactly a revolutionary idea.

I was interested in it, so I rented the video. I really enjoyed it. It was so much darker and more intense than the TV show. Television in the 1960's was not ready for the movie version of the Addams family. lol

It was great that they made a sequel. Some films which are derived from old TV shows don't do so well. One example, Lost in Space. I loved that show when I was a kid and I enjoyed the movie, but I guess I was in the minority (no sequel).

I love the classic Star Trek series. Captain Kirk was THE man for me!

But of all the sequels, I think DS 9 is the best for so many reasons. It had deep character development and story arcs, etc. We need to discuss that at the Deep Space Nine board.

And Bewitched! Don't put yourself down. I am sure you'd have a lot to offer. "Old timers" like myself really enjoy discussing the show and answering questions of fans who are new to the show or don't know a lot about it. We need all the input we can get!


Haha, you've found someone else who actually liked the film Lost in Space! There are quite a few films I like or are underrated but love actually!

I'll be honest, I'm a Spock girl, was never much fond of Shatner and his Kirk but I enjoyed him in the films. In fact I prefer TOS films over TNG films. And as excited as I was over the new ST films and the casting of Quinto as Spock (I was a fan of his from Heroes), he disappointed me tremendously in Star Trek Into Darkness. I could not believe that Shatner (who is always criticized for his acting) not only bested Quinto in a similar role (death of a friend) but was leagues better than he was.

Quinto's "NOOOOOOOOoooooooooo!" - was horrid IMO.

YES, we need to discuss DS9 over that board, very revolutionary series and it was such because it deviated from Roddenberry's ideas.

Haha, I think I need to rewatch a few Bewitched episodes though!


Lost in Space! Good film. I can't understand why some other deplorable TV remakes got a sequel but not that one.

Even though I loved Kirk, I also was a huge fan of Mr. Spock. The episodes that featured him were some of the best.

I saw all the TOS films but I never went to the theater to see the TNG films. I saw parts of them when they aired on TV. It seemed to me that they rushed the whole thing. After the original series we had ten years of missing it, so everyone was eager to see a film, even though the first Trek film was pretty bad! lol

With TNG, the word was out that they were making a film just as the series ended. I needed some time and "space" to miss the crew before I wanted to rush off to see a movie.

DS 9 was the most layered of all the series, imo. It gave all the characters a chance to shine. The story arcs were well developed.

And yeah! Go watch some Bewitched so you can comment on it or at least ask some questions. The "oldtimers" on that board have a lot of info to share.


PJPurple, please don't think badly of me, but I thought the first & fifth TOS films were ok, lol!

Yeah, there are some films I love like Tron Legacy, Stardust, & Peter Pan that I absolutely love but are not appreciated by most others.

Agree very much on DS9.

Will do! :)


Oh, NO WAY would I think badly of you because you liked the first TOS movie. I'd just think you had bad taste! LOL LOL Actually I went to the theater twice to see that film. It had a lot of potential, but they seemed more interested in showing the fans, "Look we have a big budget for FX now!"

Did you ever read the novelization of the first film? It was great! It fleshed out the story and it was (to me) way more interesting than all the flashy FX of the movie.

It all comes down to a matter of what we like or don't like. Star Trek 5 was pretty good but Spock's brother really came out of nowhere. I enjoyed the movie. But not the best Trek film on my list.


Oh, NO WAY would I think badly of you because you liked the first TOS movie. I'd just think you had bad taste! LOL LOL Actually I went to the theater twice to see that film. It had a lot of potential, but they seemed more interested in showing the fans, "Look we have a big budget for FX now!"


^^^I guess it would be different if I saw it in the theatre and had been waiting for years for a Star Trek show, lol!

No, I've never really gotten into the books of Star Trek. I only read 1 ST novel and that was an offshoot on what happened to Spock when he was trapped in that ancient prehistoric winter past. You know, where he met a girl who again, fell in love with him? That's it, lol!

My favorite Star Trek is actually The Undiscovered Country. :)


Are you referring to Yesterday's Son by A.C. Crispin? That was the novel based on the episode All Our Yesterdays when Spock encountered Zarabeth in her planet's past . Really good novel. I believe it was the first Trek novel to make the top ten list.

The sequel, Time for Yesterday, was even better. Great book.

I read so may classic Trek novels that I stopped counting when I got to number forty! I have boxes of those books. I also read a lot of TNG, DS9 and Voyager novels.

We should take this discussion over to the Trek boards!


Yes that's it! And yeah, I think we should continue this on the Star Trek boards.


Btw, I started a thread on ST Books on TOS board as not too detract this thread/board. :)


Not alone indeed. I do wonder how many active users we have at this point and whether or not the site is really growing. The activity seems to more or less be where it was right after the site launched.

On topic, I love the Addams Family movies! They really did a bang up job with them and, even though I'm in my mid-30s now, I still revisit them every few years. They're a good watch around Halloween.


True. The community seems barren here but also in other IMDB replacement sites. I wonder where all the IMDB posters went, where did they go? When I watch films, I immediately want to go to IMDB but recall, "oh it's gone now." Then I check every replacement IMDB and they're so empty! Don't other users miss it as much as I do, they must've gone somewhere. is there some secret site IDK about? LOL!

I love the macabre nature of the first 2 Addams films, it seems like some otherworldly place I'd love to visit! Which is why I think of the 20s as it seems so alien so distant, so silent, lol!


I'm sure a lot of IMDBers just accepted the death of the boards and didn't bother to look for a replacement.

It's going to be interesting to see where this site is a month . . . six months . . . a year from now. There is enough traffic as it stands to keep me coming back, but obviously I would like it to be greater. Our responsibility at this point is to just keep doing our part and participating.

Regarding your comment earlier about "some silent dark films that remind me of Gomez," even though I think it's actually kind of overrated and feels very dated at this point, if you haven't seen it you may want to check out the original Dracula from 1931. Even though there is some dialogue, it feels very much like a silent film. Clearly at that point filmmakers had not gotten fully comfortable with recording voices and were falling back on a lot of their old tricks from the silent era.


I don't know how they can accept them, it's like an itch I want to scratch - discussing films I've seen, lol!

I will do my part though usually I don't start threads. I have however created 2 threads on 2 older Tyrone Power films but there really wasn't a point to it than just making one up so the boards on there weren't so empty. :)

I've never seen the 1931 Dracula film, I'll give it a go. I find many films of the 20s & 30s have a gothic quality to them. I've been thinking of watching some Rudolph Valentino films, I haven't seen a single one but I'm trying to convince myself to give it a go. Silent films are something I need to be in the mood to watch as they're so silent, lol!


I wouldn't be too bashful about starting threads if you actually have something to talk about.

As for Dracula, bear in mind it's not a silent film, but it definitely FEELS like one at certain points due to the lack of score, and due to filming techniques that are holdovers from the silent era. If you watch it, you'll understand what I mean by that.

I can't say I'm familiar at all with Rudolph Valentino. I'll have to look into him.


All the better that the film is a talkie but has the atmosphere of silent gothic films. Thanks, I'll check it out!


Hello just letting you know I've seen the Dracula 1931 version and would very much like to discuss it but there is no Dracula (1931) board here.


Well that's the weirdest thing. Apparently there IS a Dracula board, but it doesn't come up in the search. I had to go to Lugosi's board and then click on Dracula to get there.

But you can find it here:

Make a thread and I'll pop in there!


hey, thanks! I'm on there now actually.


Yes, they were brilliant.
