The social commentary of the Addams Family
This movie to me is a satire of society. This family is "different" but they are more well-dressed, more sophisticated, unpretentious, and regal than any other family on the block. Their house is better decorated, their fashion sense is much more glamorous and "runway-worthy" than most of the celebrities on TV who are so glammed up and full of makeup that they look like trannies and ostentatious cockatoos. haha. I'm just sayin'. This movie hits the spot. This family has better manners, and priorities, than most families. They're more loving with each other than most. I love this movie because there are so few others like it who try to say to you, it's actually okay to not want to be a girl scout or a typical american housewife, or typical stereotypical american dad, even. There are very few films who make fun of the preppy girl and embrace the gothic unassuming girl who's smart and real and lacks pretenses and social fronts. The US is a society that really embraces being extroverted and preppy, something which I've always cringed at. I much better like to be sarcastic and quiet, when I can. This is one of the few movies that realizes that it's better to just be yourself rather than try to be "perfect" and draw attention to yourself all of the time.
This article describes all the above perfectly. I found it after I wrote this.