MovieChat Forums > The Witches (1990) Discussion > What do you think if Tim Burton remade t...

What do you think if Tim Burton remade this?.

Does anyone think if Tim Burton remade this it would work? Considering his visual and nightmarishy sort of style in his films, I think it might have some sort of charm to it - plus the tone of the novel actually sort of fits with his imagination.

I thought his take on Charlie and the Chocolate Factory was pretty good, though the kids were very unlikeable whereas in the first one they were brats but you still liked them.


Wow never thought of that. I think it would proably be great. I loved this movie as a kid.

But, the game's out there, and it's play or get played. That simple. -Omar Little "The Wire"


Yeah I loved this movie when I was a kid - still love it now actually.

I can't wait for the remake - I hope they stick to the original ending. I didn't mind the change in the ending in this version but I think they can still make it good and satisfying by not having a happy happy ending.

The novel still had a good warmth at the end because even though Luke got changed into a mouse, he still had his spirit and courage and nothing with his grandmother changed at all.


I was thinking the same thing, Late author Roald Dahl was very great, and I do believe that Tim Burton is ingenious enough to recapture exactly what DAHL thought. This movie remake would be terrific if Burton would direct . Anjelica Huston is one of my favorite actresses, however who could really bring life to a modern GRAND HIGH WITCH? Huston was brilliant in this film, she gave stature, beauty, power to create the ultimate Villain . I agree with you 100% it would be very entertaining to see Mr.Burton, one of my favorite directors produce this film!


Yeah I would love it if Burton took it on but I think the director of Pan's Labryinth is rumoured to be taking it on board - that is a good sign.

Angelica Huston was terrific as the Grand High witch. I don't know who else could play the role to perfection.




If Helena Bonham Carter played it it wouldn't be in drag then.

I heard Cher was considered for the role before Angelica Huston - I wonder how that would have turned out?


No. Thanks. Burton lost something around late 90's.


That would be the worst thing ever. I hate Tim Burton. He used to be cool. Now he's waste. He has lost all his creativity by exploiting his few successful ideas. Why can't he be creative and stop ruining other people's great films while destroying any and all credibility he ever had. What an uncreative pushover. I could do a better job than he could... Only difference is that I recognize that the original should never be remade. On a side note, how could anyone think his charlie and the chocolate factory was not a waste of their money? I haphazardly saw it on tv and resented every penny of the cable bill for the half hour I watched. Don't ruin Johnny Depp's career anymore!!!!!!!!!!


This film should not be remade, why bother to remake a film that's already good?


because the ending of the book was so good. the movie was very entertaining, but the hollywood/disney-like happy ending ignored major themes of the book. to me the movie was faithful to the plot, but not the theme. i'd love to see a remake faithful to both.
travis sexton


Ehh.. Agree somewhat, disagree somewhat. Alice in Wonderland was an abomination, but I actually kinda liked Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Corpse Bride was appallingly bad, but Big Fish was perfection. Sweeney Todd was fantastic, but his Planet of the Apes remake was like canned *beep* I think Burton is a hit-or-miss guy, that has a great style and lots of good ideas, but sometimes he goes with the wrong ones. That, or he just goes through spells of horribleness from time to time. Before 2000 I don't think he touched a film I didn't like. Maybe he's just getting older, and less savvy with age?

"So say we all."


SO sick of Burton...gahh
i like him, i've just had too much of him doing the same stuff over and over again in the past decade.
He's the remake guy now. Blah.


I don't like what he did with Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. I think the Gene Wilder version was more enjoyable. Wilder's one was just executed better. It had more charm and better performances. I don't like how Burton gave Wonka the mentality of a child. You could tell he designed the role for Depp.

No remake of The Witches from Burton please.


...but who would Johnny Depp play?

"Living our maggot lives, dreaming of becoming flies."


He's probably cast Depp as Mr. Stringer the hotel manager.


Or "Luke" shrinking him via CGI. Burton really loves CGI these days.

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Burton already crapped all over one Roald Dahl classic. I don't want to see crap all over another.

Plus I don't want to see the High Witch portrayed as a butch lesbian (which is the next step, given the way he portrayed Willy Wonka as a sissy stereotype).

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Burton ruined his chances with The Chocolate Factory.

Edward Scissorhands, Nightmare before Christmas, Beetlejuice and Pee Wee's Big Adventure were excellent... but his later films became too predictable.
