So they're regular pizza buyers

And they tip nothing? I mean yeah a deal's a deal on the tab, guy was late and dominos did have that discount thing if it was late, but they planned on him being late and they don't tip anything? Pretty sure they would have made it onto their local dominos blacklist. Chalk it up to typical teenagers?


Yeah they should have... shelled out a few bucks.


Oh no what have I started, I am watching it right now


Such a good movie. You know it has a pedigree that goes back to the Shaw Brothers, the studio that made Hong Kong classics which influenced Tarantino?

Golden Harvest was one of the main producers, and it was started by guys from Shaw Bros.
"Notable names in the company include its founders, the veteran film producers Raymond Chow (鄒文懐) and Leonard Ho (何冠昌). Chow and Ho were executives with Hong Kong's top studio Shaw Brothers but left in 1970 to form their own studio. They succeeded by taking a different approach from the highly centralized Shaw model. "


I wanna wear that dragon doji so bad, I would love to steal an old lady's CRT TV and vanish without a trace. Damn it's so good. Didn't know of the illustrious history


They really are doing a lot of telling people directly that things are jokes, but they were dead serious about screwing the delivery man


But if they ordered from the same place frequently, then they should have figured out where it was by then, thus ensuring ontime delivery


Maybe they hang out under different grates along the same stretch, they don't seem like swindling amateurs


But the dominos should just not deliver through sewer grates at all and problem solved


But if the turtles order pizza all the time they would lose a lot of business


True they probably considered the Turtles' shenanigans necessary spillage, can't lose the best customers


Right. 122 and an 8!


Where the hell is 122 and an 8?


I wonder what that meant. Was the actual address 1228? How the hell do you just have an 8 on there. Is that like an apartment number or something?


You're standing on it pal! I guess I always assumed it was 1228, but maybe it's the sewer grate number, 122-8, like number eight sewer opening in front of 122.


Haha. The way you explained it made me laugh. Perhaps the pizza dispatcher neglected to mention to the driver he would be delivering to a sewer grate.

We are presently executing a plan of redeployment...
that will minimize
response time...
while maximizing coordination
between patrol a decentralized
networking scheme.


They should have a rule that if the opening you're delivering through leads to an underground area that smells like shit, you don't have to make that delivery.


Or if delivering to an underground layer of any kind, the 3 bucks off late pizza policy should not apply. THIS IS A 10! THE TABS 13!


What is funny Pete is that in the movie they ate dominos, but in the video game they advertised for Pizza Hut


That is true, never thought about that. I've always associated dominos with them from the movie. Didn't expect this to be bumped. Am I behind on my Sony payments again?


Well I love this movie. I think back then (or even today) kids movies were a lot about product placement. I remember my buddy and I turned it into a drinking game. Shot every time a product was shown or mentioned. it was FUUUUN....


To top it all off, the delivery driver walked away muttering "I thought I delivered everywhere." He seems to think of himself as an expert driver. He also looked about 40 years old, which would mean he's probably been a driver for a long time. Yet, even he still hasn't picked up on the Turtles sewer grate games.
