Is Rocky V canon or not?
Indications it is canon: (1) The Rocky of RB seems financially modest, living in a modest home and running a modest restaurant. Definitely seems to follow the arc of V than IV where he was living in a mansion and driving supercars.share
(2) His initial reluctance to train Donnie in Creed - reaching a bit here, but this might be leftover from what happened when he trained and trusted Tommy Gunn.
Indications it is not canon: I actually only have one, but it does bother me a bit. The fact that he was (after some convincing) able to get licensed to box in RB. It seemed like he had severe brain damage in V, the type that wouldn't make getting licensed a question, but the type that would affect his physical day-to-day functioning by age 60. But instead he's objectively healthy and running a business.