Top 3 horror movie remakes

Choose your top 3 horror movie remakes.

My top 3.

The Fly
The Blob
Night of the Living Dead


Great list, gotta put Zack Snyder's Dawn of the Dead (WHICH IS 10 YEARS OLD NOW HOLY $H!T!!!) on there though.


This movie sucked
The fly
The thing
As far as zombie remakes go, dawn of the dead was good.
Hills have eyes was a good one too


I'm runnin' a business, not a popularity contest.


The Blob.
Night of the Living Dead.
The Hills Have Eyes.

I don't consider John Carpenter's The Thing to be a remake of The Thing From Another World because they are completely different films. They use the same source material, which comes from a short story entitled Who Goes There, but the movies take different directions with that material and are nothing alike because of it. I would consider Carpenter's version to be a remake if he had tried to reinvent the 1951 film and borrowed aspects from it, but he did not. A remake to me is the Hills Have Eyes 1977 and Hills have Eyes 2006 because it uses the same plot, takes aspects from it, and what not. Carpenter didn't do that. He made his own movie according to him and his own independent adaptation. He did not remake The Thing From Another World, which is why, and I repeat, they are entirely different films with different themes. They are 2 separate completely different adaptations of the novella, Hawk's adaptation was a terrible travesty of an adaptation that completely ignored it. Carpenter's adaptation is a standalone film that is true to the novella.
It would be like saying every Dracula film is a "remake" of the 1931 film or the silent classic Nosferatu, NO they are all separate and different adaptation of the same source material. Another example is the films Last Man on Earth, Omega Man and I Am Legend which are all separate and completely different adaptations of the original source material which have nothing to do with each other.

There is a difference between a remake and an adaptation.

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, The Thing, Stephen King's The Shining, Lord of the Rings, Dredd, Dracula, Frankenstein, The Omega Man/I Am Legend, The Dark Knight Trilogy, Carrie and A Christmas Carol etc. are adaptations of source material being books, novellas and comics. Including separate adaptations.

Night of the Living Dead, The Fog, Halloween, Maniac, Hills Have eyes, The Blob etc. are remakes as they acknowledge the screenplays and the films produced earlier.

F *** the law, i want meat-Nightbreed



if you use the title,its a remake.

spectre can

suck it.


It is a toss up between The Thing (1982) and The Crazies (2010). I absolutely love both of those remakes and watch them every time they are on TV.


Night of the Living Dead
Let Me In


Halloween (2007)
The Thing (1982)
Night of the Living Dead (1990)


The Fly is easily the best remake and one of the best horror films of all time. The Thing is there too but I don't really think of that as a remake. It's based on the novella not the old movie.

Other good ones are Dawn of the Dead and Piranha 3D. The list of bad ones is too long to count.

NOTLD remake is ok. It really does not add anything to the classic. Wish they had been a little more creative.


Dawn of the Dead
The thing (82)
The Crazies

With apologies to The fly and NOTLD.


1) Dawn of the Dead (2004)
2) The Crazies (2010)
3) The Hills Have Eyes (2006)
4) The Wolfman (2010)
5) Dead Space: Downfall (2008) & Night of the living Dead (1990)

Saw The Thing when I was a kid and can remember being scared and liking it but that's it. I believe that I need to watch it again as I really enjoyed the prequel. Also need to watch The Fly.



dead space is a game not a would fall into the video game movie genre.

spectre can

suck it.
