MovieChat Forums > Lord of the Flies (1990) Discussion > Top 5 Most inspired Twist Endings of All...

Top 5 Most inspired Twist Endings of All-Time

Hey guys I just saw Lord of the Flies, and I must say I did not see that ending coming! Wow was that cool! I would have to put it among the most inspired twist endings of all-time.

Here are my picks in order

1) Shawshank Redemption
2) Psycho
3) Fight Club
4) Lord of the Flies (1990 version)
5) Austin Powers: The Spy who Shagged Me

What do you guys think? Is LOTF on your list of most surprising endings of all-time?




What about "Swimming Pool"?


First one that crossed my mind is.....

"The Usual Suspects"

I don't see Shawshank as a twist ending - it was already well established Andy had escaped. Red joins him, no twist at all.

How about "Million Dollar Baby"? It's established in the last scene the entire movie was a letter to Frankie's daughter.

"Psycho" - yeah. "Psycho 2" as well. You have to wait until the very last scene for it all to make sense.

Yeah, maybe "Friday the 13th", too. It's been awhile but I believe it is towards the end you find out who was doing the killing.

Hhmm, this has inspired me to start a new thread......


"Psycho" the twist was pretty obvious IMHO , but I do agree that "Psycho 2" was a good twist that I didn't see coming!

I also agree about "Friday the 13th" it was a pretty good twist but it was revealed before the ending.


Fair enough on "Psycho". But imagine if you didn't know - if you had no idea Norman was actually his Mother. By the time I saw "Psycho" - this twist was already well known.

Yeah "Psycho 2" - watched that one - had no idea what was coming in terms of the twist.

One is a bit vague on Friday - the ending as I remember was a dream of Jason emerging from the lake.

But just prior to that, I believe, it comes out what his Mother was doing - which was the surprise twist.


I suppose so in regards to Psycho...but I just found it obvious because they never actually showed Norman's Bates mother , just head him talking to her in the distance....


Yeah, but I still think, in my case anyway, if I had no clue it was coming - it would have been a surprise.

There are no establishing shots of the Mother, other than the overhead when she comes out to knock off the PI (down the stairs). If you didn't know, you could construe this person actually was Norman's Mother.

All you do know is her voice, which is markedly different from Normans. Norman carries on as if she is a human being, albeit a confined human being.

No reason to think she doesn't exist.


Ya I suppose... I mean yes I will admit I had already known from my Dad when I watched it for the first time that Norman had a split personality and that his mother didn't exist and all... But my Dad told me he when he watched the first time he knew the whole fact he never saw it as a twist at all which is why he told me ...he just thought Norman having the split personality and becoming his mother was part of the plot!

I still think I would have known too... (as I said it seems suspicious that they actually never show Norman talking to his mother) but I guess I'll never know for sure if I would have known! ! lol



Thanks for making me laugh today - you're right , we will never know.

Ok, for the sake of conversation, I'll give you the reason I think I would have stayed oblivious....

"Psycho 2"

I had no idea that (the twist at the end) was coming. The final scene was a complete surprise to me, even though the woman in question was well established throughout the course of the film.

Thus, with "Psycho" - with no establishment other than a voice and brief overhead shot - don't think I'd have had a clue.

Kudos to your Dad! ANd kudos to you too for listening to him.

EDIT: Actually, in taking a moment to think about "Psycho" - we do see "the Mother" knocking off Marion as well. Still, being completely honest, I don't think there was enough there to make me think Norman was his Mother. But as you said, also applies to me, we will never know!


What exactly was the "twist ending" ? It ended with the boys being found on the Island ...I wouldn't really call that a twist?


Yeah...I wouldn't consider this a twist ending at all.


1. Sleepaway Camp (very jaw dropping twist ending that I didn't see coming!)

2. The Others

3. The Uninvited

4. House at the End of the Street.

5. The Visit
