MovieChat Forums > Lord of the Flies (1990) Discussion > Top 5 Most inspired Twist Endings of All...

Top 5 Most inspired Twist Endings of All-Time

Hey guys I just saw Lord of the Flies, and I must say I did not see that ending coming! Wow was that cool! I would have to put it among the most inspired twist endings of all-time.

Here are my picks in order

1) Shawshank Redemption
2) Psycho
3) Fight Club
4) Lord of the Flies (1990 version)
5) Austin Powers: The Spy who Shagged Me

What do you guys think? Is LOTF on your list of most surprising endings of all-time?




The 6th sense should be on the list. :p

And I was surprised at the ending... but I don't know if it would be in my top 5.


The Empire Strikes Back, The Usual Suspects, The Prestige, The Others and Unbreakable should be on that list as well.


Nothing all that surprising about the ending to me, though I was certainly biased from having read the book. But even despite that, how unforeseeable is it that the boys are eventually rescued, especially considering that they just set much of the island on fire?

"I don't deduce, I observe."


You forgot The Usual Suspects (1995).

There's kangaroos all over the place... like tourists.
Wolf Creek


there's a twist ending in this movie? what was it?


That ending reminded me of Apocalypto.



"now.... where was I?"



Yeah, a "twist" ending is usually something at the end of the movie that causes you to realize that the previous events were not all quite what they seemed. Vader's revelation in Empire Strikes Back is a famous example. The revelation in Memento is another. If you've played Assassin's Creed 3, you'll find one of my favorite plot twists somewhere toward the beginning, and done very well.

Having a marine show up at the end of this movie is generally unexpected, and it serves well to show how the boys have morally degraded over time, but it's not quite a twist ending.

Oh, I just realized that the original post is from 2009. I doubt he'd even read this! =)

Read my new short story, "Cat's Milk"




So many of us had read the book before seeing this film that it was not a surprise.


I think Apocalypto was inspired by this ending.
