MovieChat Forums > Lord of the Flies (1990) Discussion > What happens if a female enter an all-ma...

What happens if a female enter an all-male picture?

I always have this secret fantasy that I would be the only female in a group of castaways...

That would have created another dimension to the book, and would have made it all the more interesting. Sometimes I wish I could see the characters grow to adulthood on the island.

The 1990s version was shown on my country's free-to-air channel recently, and I became nostalgic on why I have a romance with boy/adventure themes. Other films/books which I like from then to date include 'The Goonies', 'Stand By Me' and more recently 'The Kite Runner'.

I remember it was always more fun to play and hang out with the boys. And I would betray the girls by revealing their juicy secrets to the boys, because that was a way they would let me in their group.


cue funky adult porn music


umm... rape...

The guys aren't going to be all nice about it and let you choose who to fv@k, they will force it on you when they notice that you only really like one of the boys. Like would you do the fat kid? I doubt it...


The point of this story is how easy it is to throw away your morals and humanity. The boys murdered, so you know they are capable of more than that.

If you are Anti-American: Admit you are doing it just to be cool. Does it feel good to hate?


A female actually would not work as a benefice to William Golding's novel. He wrote Lord of the Flies in respect to the wars inflicted upon the world during the first 30 years of his life. These wars were fought in arms by men, and generally men alone; the savagery that man is inflicted with as he is faced outside of the confines of society, wherein conflict is resolved in uncivilized methods, is the centerpiece of Golding's novel.

The volunteer raises his hand
His life will soon be stain on sand
Vanishing with the first tide


umm... rape...

The guys aren't going to be all nice about it and let you choose who to fv@k, they will force it on you when they notice that you only really like one of the boys. Like would you do the fat kid? I doubt it...

Suppose the girl was 24 or 25?


if the girl was 24 or 25, how old are you thinking the guys would be? kids, still? if so, you have a very hard time creating a realistic situation where this could happen. if the guys are older, well, that changes things a bit, because they've hopefully grown up enough to be somewhat responsible. but that's a totally different situation altogether than the one portrayed in this movie/in the book


I don't know, I think even an older girl could be over-powered en mass.


^Great sig. I hate how it is "cool" to hate America (and Christianity, God, the Bible, conservatives, Kristen Stewart, girly girls and several other things).


You become property/rape pet of the hunter tribe.


You become property/rape pet of the hunter tribe.

What if she wasn't a girl, but a woman?

Some examples:

A 35-year-old police officer.
A 32-year-old psychologist.
A 38-year-old doctor.
A 31-year-old nurse.

Would a woman in her 30's stand a chance?


Wow really goes to show how society still views women.


This is a really interesting topic!


But it WOULDN'T be society. That's the point. "Might is right" when civilization breaks down. "Might is right" even when we DO have civilization, since that's exactly how wars work. If Germany had won WW2, the nazis would've been the ones in the "right".


itgagent0409 you used this same argument in your last topic.


Trust me, any female would not do well to be in that situation at all. If there was a large group of females then that might be different but any lone female would be in a bad position. There are a lot of bad things tat could happen with those crazy kids. being that so man of them are so young, they may decide to kill or severely harm a female just because she is a girl. they did to a kid that was chubby.

"Cool will get ya dead." -Former NBA Power Forward, Karl Malone


I am shocked an the low regard with which people hold the male of the species. The boys would vie for the females affection and she would eventual settle on one. Most likely the alpha male. They would pair off and he would protect her.

Is a rape possible? Yes.

Another possibility is she resorts to the worlds oldest profession.

This movie surprised me in how quickly they makers assumed the boys would resort to savagery.


The makers were only following the original author's assumption. Honestly, I don't think it'd be much different if it were girls, or a mix. But they say to write what you know, and William Golding knew about being a young boy- not a young girl.


12-year-old boys don't like girls and don't know what rape is.



Wait a minute, what if the girl said something to freak the boys out so they would stay away from her?

For example:

"I have HIV/AIDS (or another STD)."
"I used to be a man."
"I'm a shemale."
"I'm really a man."

Do you think the boys would fall for any of those? If I were one of them and she said, "You don't want to have sex with me. I have AIDS", I would stay as far away from her as possible.


From the beginning, they have already started to take on traditionally feminine & male roles - Jack as the husband provider & Ralph the nurturing wife. Granted, it becomes convoluted, but it's a start. If the boys were there alone long enough, the boys would start having sex in some, or all, ways with each other. So, throw a woman into the mix, of ANY age, intelligence, or appearance, and not only would the boys eventually take her, she would most likely eventually invite one or more. Sex is a basic human need. We have countless examples of this throughout history - from prisons to isolated families where inbreeding becomes normal.

"Damaged people are dangerous, they know they can survive."



Sex is a desire, NOT a need. I only ever see horny, and often misogynist guys and feminazis say that (not saying you are, that's just my experience). It is a "need" like meth is a need, or eating dessert is a need, or whatever. You like it, not need it.

Contrary to what those raging hormones tell you, you will never, ever, ever die from no sex.


you will never, ever, ever die from no sex.

No, but the human race would.


Good riddance to it.

If there were a single female in this situation. She would instantly become a commodity, nothing more. The males would fight over her as they would any valuable item, and the dominant male would own her (until usurped). The way of nature, nothing more nothing less. For her own protection she would bond with the strongest dominant male, and accept her position.

Her treatment cannot be predicted for certain, it would depend on the personality traits of the males on the island. Her own personality traits would likely factor very little into the way she is treated.

Civilization affords women the protections and freedoms they enjoy today. Without that civilization, the strong dominate the weak, and the male is stronger. Simply the way it is in most cases. I believe there are documentated cases throughout history of the emergence of matriarchal societies, but they are few. I'm not talking about an empire that has an empress as head of state (Catherine the Great, Queen Victoria, etc.). I'm talking about situations where females dominate all aspects of society. You just don't see it among human beings.


Hahaha they'd treat her like the Smurfette of the group.
Gang bangin it up! And blowies on the side! XD
Haha oh wow. Lol.


Rape is what would happen. And 12 year old boys do like girls and have begun early stages of puberty at that time. It's not about de-valuing or discrediting men, it's about understanding human psychology. Why would you not think anyone capable of murder is capable of rape? Not saying it's a given that it would happen, but they would certainly be capable.

"Me, I want what's coming to me...The world, Chico, and everything in it."




If it's a fantasy of yours it would be a rather dark one in William Golding's novel.
Boys at the age of 11-12 have been known to rape girls of same age when given the chance.

A group of girls would be more interesting and would probably result in a better outcome. But a sole female would be subject to the gratification of young pubescent boys -- unless she was a strong, warlike leader. Intelligence would help her survive against the natural elements, but she would have to overpower and/or kill Jack in order to avoid being raped by everyone else.
