MovieChat Forums > Lord of the Flies (1990) Discussion > Why girls have it easier than boys

Why girls have it easier than boys

Here is why girls have it easier than boys in life. Boys are highly competitive and in Lord Of The Flies they even kill each other, that is how competitive they are. Had it been girls on the island the would've not killed each other. Aside from that, even if boys didn't kill each other, the fact remains that women tend to have longer lifespans than men. "Ladies first," usually does not apply with this one thing, and that's dying. Its usually men first when it comes to dying. Women tend to live longer. So that is why girls have it easier than boys in life, they don't compete with each other as much and they get to live longer.


Yeah yeah yeah. The girls would have killed each other too. Probably sooner than the boys.


Have you seen the show Yellowjackets?


Boys are competitive? Believe me, girls are just as competitive. Someone said the difference between a male vs a female psychopath is a male will kill you himself physically, a female will make you kill yourself. I think this applies to normal folks in this type of intense mob mentality situation.

Also didn't they have fear factor reality shows back then and the girls used their month's supply of drinking water to wash their hair and finished it off in 3 days?


Are you kidding me?!!! sorry not true at all....have you not seen he way girls act in highschool...or even in Elementary school ? they can be even worse than guys sometimes when it comes to bullying! they get jealous and of other girls and as always worrying about being prettier or more popular....or feel they have to bully someone they think is " weaker" than them just to make themselves feel better. They are VERY competitive and can be very cruel to each other. I was bullied a lot when I was a kid and as a teenager by mainly other girls and saw many others get bullied as well...both verbally and physically.
Girls certainly don't have it easier...not even close.

Also, you do realize that men don't get periods, or have to go through labor pains right?
Women also get sexually harassed have be careful even going on dates and worrying about getting date raped, fact many men get away with rape and sexual assault every day.
Men can also sleep around and be considered "cool" while us woman get called sluts if we do it.
Shall I go on?.....
