Oh trust me, the story looks very much like early 90s, but most people don't think about it because both movies are so good. A huge clue is the serious lack of cell phones or people staring into smartphones. People only ever use landlines in these two films. There is also no use of the internet because it didn't exist back then. And let's not forget the more lax airport security of the era, considering the first movie takes place 11 years before 9/11, and the second one takes place 9 years before 9/11. Then there's the mom's hairstyles in both movies. Extremely 80s/90s chic. Or the boxy cars used in both films. And finally, the way the Hotel Concierge scanned the credit cart Kevin used in the sequel. Nobody's used that kind of a machine to scan credit cards in over 30 years! These days you stick it into a slot and punch in your pin with a number pad, or you hold the card up to a scanner pad.