The Boyfriend School????

This is what Don't Tell Her it's Me is listed under on Amazon.
Why the name change?


The book that this movie is based off of was titled "The Boyfriend School". Not sure their exact reasoning for changing it, but at least there's a basis for the name.


That's too bad. They are only going to succeed in making a hard to find movie, even more difficult to locate.

This cute flick doesn't have all that many loyal fans as it is...



Title change was originally due to the title song used in the movie, and when re-released, decided to go with the original title, as it was based on a novel. I hate it when they do that too....Can miss a good movie once it goes to TV.


When it's broadcast on cable, it's called The Boyfriend School.

Back when it first came out and then came on cable, it was Don't Tell Her It's Me. Weird. The Boyfriend School is about the worst title I ever heard.

2005 - 2006 R.I.P. BishopLord


I grew up watching this movie and I just finished watching it on Encore Love Stories.

One day when I was flipping through the channels, I saw this movie and I was like. I never heard of this movie. So I looked it up on and found it used to be named Don't Tell Her Its Me.

I don't know why they changed the title. All I know was I was soo confused by the title.


I remember the original case for the VHS of this movie.
It's called The Boyfriend School. I'm thinking someone
got confused along the way because on the original
cover Steve Guttenberg is standing (as Lobo) with his
finger to his lips and there's a small balloon next
to his head saying "Don't Tell Her It's Me".
Until now, I've always known it as "The Boyfriend School".
It's got to be one of those mistakes that happened years
ago that got passed along as fact eventually.




I also found this name change to be quite annoying. My wife and I was looking for it on to rent...but all my wife found was this Boyfriend School...after closer inspection it appeared that it was the correct movie. Frickin' Hollywood has got nothing better to do than mess with a semi-obscure 80's movies name...hello, thanks for making it even more difficult to find. Oh and on the DVD it includes the original theatrical trailer...guess what...the movie was titled "Don't Tell Her It's Me".... C'mon, The Boyfriend School...yuck.


Good, I thought I was going crazy. I could have sworn it was Don't Tell Her It's Me and thought my memory was failing. Good thing.


to be honest im not going to buy the DVD, a grew up watching "Don't Tell Her It's Me" and name change sucks real bad, found it yesterday on video in Australia for $1 it works fine and i like the title better


I had this movie on VHS, but I refuse to buy DVD with that title on it. It was originally "Don't Tell Her It's Me" and that's what it should be credited with. Come on, it's a great movie, and very well done, but to rename it (and such a lame title that has virtually not much to do with the content) is an insult to the customers who love(d) it.
I realize the actors etc don't really care one way or the other, but eh...


I remember the original case for the VHS of this movie.
It's called The Boyfriend School. I'm thinking someone
got confused along the way because on the original
cover Steve Guttenberg is standing (as Lobo) with his
finger to his lips and there's a small balloon next
to his head saying "Don't Tell Her It's Me".
Until now, I've always known it as "The Boyfriend School".
It's got to be one of those mistakes that happened years
ago that got passed along as fact eventually.

What are you babbling about??? This movie was titled 'Don't Tell Her It's Me' to start with! There was no mistake. It was never 'Boyfriend School' on VHS ever!!!


For translation purposes alot of movie titles have to be altered so they make sense in other countries. Take for instance: "Shrimp On The Barbie" was titled "Boyfriend From Hell" in Australia because the original title didn't make sense to the Aussies. When translating from American to a FOREIGN language such as French, Spanish, Chinese, etc... our phrasing and/or words don't translate well to the language and then back to English. It doesn't mean anything other than opening up the market.

I wouldn't take it as an insult.

House: Hey I can be a jerk to people I haven't slept with. I am that good.


If I can drop in 2¢: I had this on video and it was indeed, the old title (DTHIM). It came up a part of a search for something else on I only recognized it as the same movie when I saw the picture of Guttenberg w/ the leather jacket. That was the most prominent thing I remembered. So, I ended up ordering the DVD from somewhere else because it was cheap and has a WS cut included.


Boyfriend School is all I've ever known this movie to be as well.


The original title of the movie was definitely Don't Tell Her It's Me. There was a billboard for it on Sunset Blvd. in Hollywood before it came out.

For the book it was based on, The Boyfriend School made sense as a title because there is a reference to the "Griner-Potts-Lusader Boyfriend School," in a conversation about what's wrong with men.

I wish they'd stuck with the original title for this one, and tried to make The Boyfriend School as a movie again, sticking to the story that's in the book. I HATED the changes they made for the movie, like taking the setting from Austin, Texas to South Carolina and making Trout a yuppie instead of a sleazy rock critic.


I didn't mind the venue change (of course, I love Charleston and the surrounding coastal areas, so I'm a bit biased ;) ), but I always thought it was odd they changed Gretchen Griner's name to Emily Pear. Perhaps "Emily" is softer, more romantic? I don't know. They toned her edginess down a bit, too, and made her a writer rather than a photographer. I think they were focusing on the central romantic theme of the book.

The book has some great characters that never make it into the movie, and Gretchen/Emily and Gus are much more fleshed out and multi-dimensional characters. Sarah Bird herself wrote a few trashy romances back in the day and this is her tribute to the smart, funny ladies who write in that genre. If you love the movie but haven't read the book, hunt it down -- it's a great, funny read. Actually, all of Sarah Bird's books are great. Her most recent, How Perfect Is That?, is a light, fun "beach" read. Her other books run a little deeper but are still a cut above the usual, repetitive, copycat "chick lit" dominating "women's fiction" bookshelves.

I like both the movie and the book for what they are -- The Boyfriend School is one of my all-time favorite summer re-reads, and the movie is one of my all-time favorite pick-me-ups when I'm feeling blue. Shelley Long turns in one of her best comedic performances, and Jamie Gertz is absolutely adorable.


I just finished reading the book. I loved it! It was amazing to me how many lines were lifted word for word to the movie dialogue. That doesn't happen very often.

My final verdict is that I love both versions. I still think it was a crime, & stupid to change the movie's name. The title The Boyfriend School is great, but Don't Tell Her it's Me, fits the film's story, & by changing it, it makes it even more difficult to find.


Yeah back in the day when movies were simpler and much more relatable.

I miss the days when charming actors played sweet roles and kooky women played as the supporting cast.

I think thats awesome this movie was on a billboard in Hollywood.

Most books are changed for the big screen and if I read the book, I would probably agree with you.. I didn't though and I am still going to love this movie for how it was onscreen...

I'm with everyone else that "Don't Tell Her its Me" is a way better title for the movie...maybe for the book it was suiting...

I found this on-demand last night, and if I hadn't seen Jamie Gertz and Steve Guttenburg as the listed actors, I would have passed it up!
