This Die Hard came out when NYPD Blue was the rage. It was the fav of the fifth grade mentality that gets over-excited at F-bombs and "head shots." If they took all the cussing out, it would have been a 45 minute movie.
Movie critics that judge how good a movie is by how much cussing is in it are infantile. Any halfway smart person was always a half-step ahead of the bad guys -- they gave us plenty of time to figure it out by all the sentences having to be twice as long to fit all the cursing in.
While the "Yippie Kay Ya, Mr. Falcon!" was highly unimaginative, so was the whole plot. And the overwrought dialogue made Willis's overwrought acting just that much worse. This was the second worst Die Hard movie. That last one set in Russia was the abject worst.
And are we over our silly insistence that movies shot with a teal filter are "edgy"? Years from now, people are going to die off laughing about that. I can't remember if this is a "teal" film, but the first one was, slightly. The last one really was. Pathetic!