MovieChat Forums > Die Hard 2 (1990) Discussion > Richard "Dick" Thornburg

Richard "Dick" Thornburg

Misunderstood? Great newsman? Coward? Part of the problem, or part of the solution?

I feel Dick Thornburg was misunderstood. Holly tazing him was wayyyyy out of line, and he's got a right to run with a story. Her constant belittlement of him, and all her snobbery was not helping the situation. He's a true hero, in every meaning of the word, and I have a great deal of respect for Richard "Dick" Thornburg...a hero's hero!!

"You know it..." Snake Karate Kid III


Nah, he was just a d-bag.

See you guys at the 10 year prison reunion - Ben Richards


Wish we had more newsmen like him for this administration.


I also felt bad for Thornburg in this movie and didn't think he was as bad of a guy in this movie than he was in the first movie, I agree Holly had no right or reason to taze him or act snobby towards him, I personally found Holly to be the unlikable character instead of Thornburg.


most people would probably bear a grudge against reporters who endanger their families lives to get a story out.



Are you kidding? He shouldn't have insisted on telling everyone in the world that the airport had been taken hostage. He caused a panic and is responsible for any injuries caused by people panicking and rioting. That's why Holly tased him. To stop him from causing more panic. Then again it was too late at that point.

Green Goblin is great!


He also put Holly at risk in pt1, by going to her house.


As someone who saw Die Hard 2 prior to Die Hard 1, I must side with those who sympathize with Mr. Thornburg. The sequel essentially presented a flashing neon sign reading "You Hate This Guy! No, REALLY!!!" while he performed actions worthy of converse sentiment.

Butt Monkey treatment ensues...


You had an entire 2 years to watch Die Hard and instead chose to wait 2+ years and watched it after this sequel?


"The sequel essentially presented a flashing neon sign reading "You Hate This Guy! No, REALLY!!!""

it appears that way yes , IF you watch the films in the wrong order


peanut thief.

🎄Season's Greetings!🎄


What's so bad about that?


that was thornburg's associate that stole the peanut pack.

he probably the type of man to steal thing from his hotel room!!


Self serving egomaniac.
