Why all the hate?

Okay - I don't think it's a *great film*(i.e. masterpiece like The Godfather, Taxi driver, etc.), but I think especially for his first feature as a director, and considering that Westerns weren't in fashion at the time, then I think it's a pretty decent film. Alright, I suppose I can see that Scorsese was owed an Oscar for his past films and the competition with Goodfellas that year(even though, I'm not much a fan of that film - I think it's okay, but not deserving of the plaudits it got). I suppose you could say that Dance With Wolves was the more daring film at the time.

By the way, I think that Unforgiven was superb, and that was the best film of the 1990s. That was a masterpiece.


Costner is so far up his backside in this he can T bag himself, talk about annoying.


Just the way all movies are.
