MovieChat Forums > Bride of Re-Animator (1990) Discussion > DOES THIS RUIN THE FIRST FILM?


Re-Animator is one of my favorite films, so you would have thought that i'd seen Bride of Re-Animator.

The reason I haven't is becuase I feel it my slightly ruin the first film.
A bit like Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2, which I exuse as intentionally *beep*

Is it likely i'll I regret watching it?



I really don't think that a sequel can ruin the original. It can only add. If you don't like the sequel, pretend it doesn't exist. If you like the characters and the premise, than enjoy the sequel.

I don't understand when people say the sequel ruins the original.


How can it ruin the first one? It's not like the first one is going to change simply because you watch the second one.


Not at all.



I don't think this ruins the first film. It sure is inferior, but all it did was add to the first film rather than take away from it.

Welcome to my Nightmare- Freddy Krueger


@Philkill 1. Never trust anyone who likes Aliens more than the original! Sure it's a fun action packed sequel, but it's cheesy and no way near as good as the atmospheric classic Alien.
some people do disagree with that that includes the critics

2.What is is BTTB2? I'm making a guess that you mean Back to the Future 2? Again not a patch on the original. So many people think it's better cos of the future stuff, but it just isn't as well made and the story is weak in comparison to the first.

I didn't say it was better I was was just as good so read again

3. That is ridiculous! Rocky 3 and 4 are guilty pleasures. But Rocky is a masterpiece.
nothing wrong with the first one Just I find music better in 3+4 and it has more drive

4. WRONG! So very wrong.
not at all my opinion I findthe film darker and more gritty

5. Not seen the Halloween sequels in a long time, I doubt any of them stand up to the first film. But can't really judge this one.
Well I think number 4 does,number 5 went off the plot though

6. No Terminator is better, everyone seems to prefer T2. They're all wrong though, same reason Alien is better than Aliens...
Well I did say I liked them both as much
7. Please don't...

I do as I please not doing anything illegal here
Another sequel I think is better than first And I like first a'lot is Godfather part 2+another would be Empire strikes back


@ evildeadlite:If you think Temple of Doom is better than Raiders, there is something seriously wrong with you.

I just find that one more darker+gritty but raiders is really good anyway

Everything else...agreed. haha. Except on Aliens...they're so different, it's hard to compare :/

good glad to hear it,Well Aliens is still a sequel in it's own right so you should compare anyway :]


You're right about Empire and Godfather, but that's it. I'll give you that. 100% right!

Liking Rocky 3+4 because you think they have better music and drive is such a poor reason.
With the exception of 5 they're all good films in their own way. But the original is way
above the rest in every aspect. It's all personal opinion though ha!


glad we agree on something PhilKill :],that isn't the only reason I think Rocky 3+4 are better I think the acting is also better+yea I agree each film is good except number 5,number 5 was awful


Come on man! The acting in the original Rocky is flawless and was up for many Oscars! You need to re-watch these films :D


didn't say there was anything wrong with acting in the original lol,I just felt in number 3 when Mickey dies+when he says he is going retire when they gave him his statue on the steps etc is really good acting,the acting was good in number 1,just felt in this one it had more flow :]


Not at all; I love both, actually. Even Beyond Re-Animator has its good moments, even though for the most part its kind of a rehash of part 1.

"Speak of the Devil, and He shall appear."



Re-Animator ended on a pretty perfect note and Bride just tried the impossible of connecting that movie to itself. It's, in itself, some patchwork horror.. but not a bad one. Bride doesn't take away from the first movie but it's neither has good nor as smart. To be honest the main reason to watch this is Jeffrey Combs :)


For me this one is better than the first one, I really love this one, more gore!


Ok, so I've only just come back to this thread and didn't realise there had been so many replies to it.

I have seen the film now and I really like it. It takes a different approach with Yuzna directing instead of Gordon. It's a completely sepearate film, which is how I look at it now I've seen it.
The same with Texas 2, which I like for a number of reasons, and as I said, it's excused for it's ridiculousness because it's meant to be a fun contrast to the first.

In answer to "how can it ruin the first one?", you're right, the first one doesn't change just because you've seen the sequel, but I have seen sequels that have made me realise that the filmmaking wasn't quite as brilliant as I'd once thought.
It's like when you see one good movie by a director and you instantly think they're great, but then find out all of their other films are terrible. It kind of tarnishes your original opinion.

But to be honest, nothing can ruin Re-Animator... Doesn't matter how much you watch the film, it never stops being great.

Also yeah, opinions can't be wrong or right...
You shouldn't be discussing subjects on forums if you believe that.
