The so-called spider expert pulls off the typical horror movie cliche when he enters the dark barn and jiggles the web sealing his impending doom. What an idiot, this guy is supposed to know everything about spiders, yet his actions make him come across as a complete buffoon. Maybe it's just me, but if I saw a dark bar with webbing inside, I'm getting the *beep* out of dodge, spider expert or not. Julian Sand's character should go down in horror movie history as being one of the many stupidest scientist ever to grace the screen. *beep* idiot!!!! Sheesh!!!!
I have to agree with the Professors stupidity. he wasnt even in any type of defensive stance or prepared for what would come out. No weapons ready or anything. he just shook the web line and stood there, knowing how deadly it was.
He had the confidence of his belief he knew everything about spiders and could handle anything that came his way. If he was hunting down spiders all the time, he was probably fairly comfortable in a dank dark place by himself,and overestimated himself and underestimated the spider. It's called a tragic flaw, the height of intelligent writing in Shakespeare but apparently stupid in a horror movie.
funny how the General' spider just crept by Delbert at the entrance of the barn like it was saying I not going to waste anymore time and go to the wine cellar and wait for my spawn to come alive. Delbert was geared up so the spider probably would not have bit through his steel toed boots or ran up one of his pant legs. plus in wore strong hide gloves+googles and a work helmet.
The point's been made that Atherton dies because the spider doesn't come at him from where he expects it to emerge when he plucks the spider web. However, I'd still like to know what he planned to do had The General come down from that loft entrance. After all, the guy's out in the open, has no protection with not so much as a big mayonnaise jar to trap this thing with. So what was Atherton going to do when he saw it coming? Back away and just observe? He knows how this aggressive species can jump, so drawing it out seems a pretty foolhardy thing to do. Mind you, it's an effective death scene, but I still think it's also one of the most eye-roll-inducing examples of a supposedly intelligent character making a decision that practically invites their own demise.
I think he is probably in awe of the web and just reacts and does what he would do with a 'smaller' one not really thinking through his next step. He probably assumes the spider will come and investigate the web but not necessarily attack him
I just watched the movie again and facepalmed when I saw the scene, but after reading this thread, I see it in a new light now. He simply underestimated the General's intelligence. Him going in without any sort of protection is a bit idiotic, though. It's not like he could pounce on an extremely aggressive spider with that small of a jelly jar.
Cena doesn't overcome any odds. He's a wrestler with a God Mode cheat on.