Funniest moments in the film

This movie was a stinker, but there were a few funny moments.

One of those moments, IMHO, was when Ford Fairlane, ZuZu Petals, and Smiley were dangling over the edge of the building, fighting with each other, and they fell. Everyone is screaming and falling, and Ford is going, "My hair!". I don't know why, but for some reason that really made me LOL. It was just so STUPID.

Which scene(s) made you laugh?


Suzuki Samurai, you Bensonhurst piece of *beep*


When he goes to meet Johnny Crunch..."is this suzuki samarai, is this the car I'm looking for" "you Bensonhurst piece of *beep* "here's to you...sucking my dick" "Ford, we just needed to be held"..."you got the bonus plan"

I love this movie

Wayne Enterprises buys and sells companies like Stark Industries


After Ford wakes up with the twins, they scramble out of bed after being woken up by Hendrix.

When Ford finally gets up, his first words of teh day to the girls:




AHHAHAHA that was my favourite part of the film too. I wasn't too crash hot about it during the beginning but it seemed to get funnier closer to the end.

Extremely Flammable


Been years since I've seen this, but Ed O'Neil getting bagged on for the Disco Express bit was funny. "Booty time, booty time, 'cross the USA, booty time, booty time, yeah yeah yeah".

My favorite line in the whole movie which I still find useful whenever dreadful (c)rap music is on the radio, "I've heard cats *beep* with more harmony than this guy".


When he is so put out by ZuZu Petals on the Capitol Records building that he just says "Moron.". For some reason, that KILLS me.


"You got to shave before you wear a dress like that...And I don't mean your legs." I love that line from Morris Day.



Ford: See those two girls over there? They're girl scouts... I took two boxes.


Falling off the building sayin "my hair,my hair" funny stuff.


Ford: Clint Eastwood... I f\/cked him. oh!!!.

"Closing your eyes forces you to look at the darkness inside." - Max Payne


For some reason I laughed when Zuzu says "Maybe it was just a pot pie?"



At the funeral
Ford: "$300? You just charged them $100!"
Scalper: "They blew me"
Ford "$300 it is"


On the boat when Ford tries to grab one of the shotguns out of the gun rack on the wall and can't get it out. He pulls the whole gun rack off the wall and start shooting with the shotgun still stuck in the rack.

I don't have an opinion. The word "opinion" implies the possibility I'm wrong.




My favorite line is when the house is getting ready to blow up, He and ZuZu are running for the beach and he says "Jump Nitwit!". It's kind of a throw away line but it always makes me laugh. I love that he insults her as they are running for their lives.

So many ******* few bullets..
Ford Fairlane


when sgt anus get pissed and says 'you think you're so hot bc you get in to all the clubs, you get to have sex w/great looking wmn, you think you;re so hot bc you broke the ensenada piracy ring' and ford replies 'you gotta admit those are pretty good reasons'

'get the f(_)ck outta here...'
