
It would be a cool connection if Dennis/Denise were actually Fox Mulder undercover and The X-Files and Twin Peaks were connected.


The parts about Project Blue Book in Season 2 do make me think of the X-Files.

I'm almost done with my rewatch of Season 2 and the alien/UFO/Project Blue Book references are somewhat puzzling in light of Season 3. I don't think Season 3 continues the whole alien thread, from what I remember of it.


In Season 3, episode 12, Albert is explaining to Tammy the Project Blue Book and the government cover-up -- perfect opening for a connection to the X-Files if ever there was one (not to mention Duchovny's character having already made an appearance earlier in the season).


I remember thinking that when X-Files premiered. The real reason Mulder's colleagues called him 'Spooky'!


In the TP world of doppelgangers, it's not a terribly huge stretch that Mulder and Dennis/Denise are linked. But it's all head-canon.
