MovieChat Forums > Seinfeld (1989) Discussion > Major Kramer Plot Hole

Major Kramer Plot Hole

Kramer hates taking baths, to quote:-

"It's disgusting. I'm sitting there in a tepid pool of my own filth."

Yet just two seasons later he has a hot tub set up in his apartment!

Surely sitting in a warmed up soup of your own filth is even worse!


A bigger plot hole 4 kramer is what does he do 4 money?


May not be a plothole, but just simply an unanswered question.

I read a fan theory that I think is possible that Kramer was actually a widower, and his wife died shortly before Jerry moved in. And either she was very wealthy and left her money to Kramer, or she died in a terrible accident and Kramer won a huge settlement (thanks to his attorney Jackie Chiles).

And also consider that he was based on Kenny Kramer, who according to Larry David never really had a normal job, and always seemed to be coming up with schemes for money.


...she died in a terrible accident and Kramer won a huge settlement (thanks to his attorney Jackie Chiles)

Seems unlikely given their exploits seen on the show.


It would explain why Jackie was always willing to take Kramer's calls, no matter how many times he had embarrassed him.


To say nothing of the fact you could never have a hot tub in a one bedroom apartment.


Kramer didn’t get permission from Silvio, the super, for half of the things he did in his room. Remember the reverse peephole?


I hate baths, too. You're basically sitting on the floor naked, staring at a tile wall, in scummy warm water. Pretty depressing. I'm a shower man.


"It's disgusting. I'm sitting there in a tepid pool of my own filth.",
"[Kramer] has a hot tub set up in his apartment!"

The plot hole is filled by the definitions of "tepid" and "hot".


I think this comes under the heading that Larry David was largely unconcerned about continuity. I recall Jason Alexander saying that in an interview.


Undoubtedly the real reason.

It's just funny because Kramer's "tepid pool" of his own filth line was so memorable!


most hot tubs are treated with chemicals that kill bacteria and make them far more sanitary.,kill%20bacteria%20and%20make%20them%20far%20more%20sanitary.


Far more sanitary than what though?

I think if they are not treated at all. But still more sanitary than a piping hot bath you've ran from fresh yourself? I'm not sure...

Anyway, the thing with hot tubs is that they're large, hosting multiple people and all the grim and dirt they bring with them. Plus they don't get emptied regularly - hence the requirement for chemical treatment of the water.


I don't deny they're gross. And I used to own one. I won't do it again.


I was just thinking though - I don't suppose many people will be owning or at least running them these days, what with the energy costs!

But yeah, gross - We've used them at weekend break lodges and, even although I'm thinking at the time - other people were probably in this same water a few days ago and they've just chucked in some chlorine - I've still jumped in just to have a beer or two in the bubbling water! 😂 Poor stuff...


He’s not taking a bath in the hot tub, he’s doing it to relax. You know you sweat in a hot tub? Most people take a shower after a hot tub because of the sweat. Plot hole? No


Maybe he takes a shower before he gets into the hot tub which would wash away the filth that was on him.
