SJW comments about SEINFELD
The thing that makes SJWs so annoying to normal people is how they completely overreact to things, especially things that happen in make-believe situations, like a television show. Here are just a few off the top of my head. Feel free to add more. Seinfeld, oddly enough, joins the ranks of "things they could never get away with today."
"He tried to poison his boss. He must be a terrorist!"
"Why'd they dance-shame Elaine like that?"
"They're peeping at their neighbor who never wears clothes? Shouldn't they be registered sex-offenders?"
"George ogled a seventeen-year old's cleavage. He's a pedophile!"
"That evil clown needs to lose his job! #Elainetoo!"
The more you think about it, the more it's obvious SJWs just don't enjoy sex, and that's the primary reason they don't enjoy life.