Funniest moment?

What's your funniest moment on One Foot in The Grave?


Thanks for posting-my personal favourite (and I haven't seen anyone else post this yet, so I might be the only one who finds it funny!) is where Victor picks up the phone to hear Lorraine Kelly ask him if he has an irritable colon!!
Keep 'em coming!


Nippy the dog. The way Victor is standing there so enthusiastically with bowl of dog food.. then sees that the dog is actually a stuffed animal! The way he shouts at Mrs Warboys is priceless! :)


The bit where Patrick sees Victor holding something over the rice, and prodding it at arms length as though its alive. And in the same episode when he comes in and it looks like Victor is mowing the front room carpet.

We know why hes doing it of course, because as usual theres a perfectly reasonable explanation. But it makes it funnier that Patrick doesnt know this and only ever thinks the worst of Victor.


The moment I love is in the episode that entirely consists of Victor and Margaret lying in bed together, unable to get to sleep - and Victor goes outside to switch his car alarm off after a bird poos on it.



"Pastry. He's got the PASTRY!"


For me, it's the moment in the traffic jam where he puts on his favourite cassette and the garage mechanics have recorded their own song onto it.


Definitely "Warm Champagne", when Victor falls asleep next to the old lady that the ambulance delivered to the wrong house. Then Margaret comes in..
"Who... is... SHE?"
"I thought it was YOU!"
Makes me split my sides every time.


Way too many to list but the scene in (I think) a Series Two episode where Victor & Margaret discover a suicide note written on the back of a wallpaper sample is a perfectly written, perfectly performed gem.


I also love the traffic jam scene where Victor and Margerets car is in the middle and on one side there is a smarmy hairdresser guy chatting up 2 girls in the next car along and the guys phoen rings and he hands it to Victor..'it's for you!'..then when he winds his window up and has a stuck on hand with the middle finger up! Also the scene where he bakes the wig in the loaf of bread

Ancient Chinese Porverb- He who stand on toilet seat is high on pot


Cop Porn
Pop Corn



I love the scene in series 1 when the carpet layer falls asleep in Victor's bed and Victor finds him and hits him with a inflatable banana, shouting 'Wakey wakey...RISE AND SHINE! and then he sarcastically adds 'come back next time and we'll read you a bedtime story!' Priceless!

I also love the snooker fixtures scene with Victor getting cross and shouting 'HELLLO! at the top of his voice. Hilarious.

The scene in 'The Man that blew away' - when the neighbours are having a party and the music is driving him mad and he shouts 'oh in the NAME OF MERCY!'

The scene in 'Only a Story' - when Victor is in a good mood and Margaret says 'It'll never last' and then in the very next scene, you hear Victor shouting 'You cocky little bastard' to the chimney sweeper outside whose parked his van on their front lawn. Also, in the same episode, I love how he notices the editor's mistake in the local newspaper and he says 'ohhhh listen to this' and 'can you believe this? The comedy is in the WAY he says it, rather than the words themselves.


The cat in the freezer has to be one of them! Another's when Victor sees an advert for some shoes, goes to the woman's house to get them, she explains that her husband's just died so she has no need for them now, leads him into the living room only to find her husband is still in his armchair, dead, and wearing the shoes Victor's about to buy.

Transformers: ROTF - 2/10
Harry Potter/Half Blood Prince - 9/10
Bruno - 5/10


In "The Man Who Blew Away": When Mr Fosskett goes past Patrick's office window stark naked.

"The Executioners Song": Patrick is talking to his counselling group about "the man next door" We see Victor's head suddenely pop up at the window he's cleaning. Then Patrick sees the shadow on the wall and turns round but Victor is gone.


So many,but my two particular favourites.
"Starbound"-The ever tactless Mrs Warboys apparently rehoming a late neighbour's pet dog at the Meldrews.Only thing is the dog was as dead as its master and was stuffed.Looking at the utter disbelief on Victor's face as he stands there with dog bowl in hand is absolutely priceless.

And from "Warm Champagne"-The brilliant scene with the old crone in the bedroom,seemingly unaware of her surroundings as she totters out of the bathroom and into the Meldrew's marital bed,while Victor and Margaret stand with their mouths wide open,completely shocked.

Margaret-"You havent been sleeping with this....who is she?"

Victor-"I...I thought it was you"



The whole scene with the computer salesman when Victor wastes his entire morning because he cut him up in his car a few days before.

When Victor is trying to dry his crotch on the radiator and the neighbour walks in.

Or when the window cleaner says Victor exposed himself to her and she says he was drying his bits with a flannel. So Victor says "what do you want me to do, drape them over the radiator?"


My best moments are
-The cat in the freezer, "How was he supposed to keep warm, Rub 2 fish fingers together to start a fire". "Good job we don't have a chest freezer or i might be standing here with a frozen mammoth". and more haha.
-In the episode i watched yesterday where victor goes into a shop and gets cop porn rather than pop corn and they think that pippa left the tape and that it belongs to patricks gay brother, although victor gave it to patrick because he had a lavender umbrella and was walking funny after he sat on a cork.
-When victor gets a parcel thinking it says victor's a turd when it says victor saturday.
-The episode where they are waiting to see a lawyer to write a will and victor sits down and puts his feet on a glass table and as he does the other side flips up.
-and of course you can't forget the plant in the toilet, the house full of gnomes and them coming back to find their house demolished.

Alice Cullen "How strongly are you Opposed to grand theft auto"


In The Affair Of The Hollow Lady.

Victor goes to the hospital to visit Jean, but instead visits a lady encased in plaster.

Jean wakes Margeret while she's asleep on the sofa and stands there, Margeret thinking its the waxwork of Jean, puts the lampshade on top of her head.



The last episode, - when Victor attends the ‘reunion’, I don’t know why, but the cabaret duo singing ‘Purple Haze’, makes me literally laugh out loud every time.


Wow I can't believe no one else mentioned it! (well one other guy did, but only briefly).

My funniest moment is a scene with Patrick and Victor, at the climax of multiple plot lines merging into one. Patrick has a gay identical twin staying over, Patrick is heading to hospital after getting a cork stuck up his bottom, and as it's raining Patrick is using the only umbrella they could find - a frilly pastel one. Those facts combined with a misunderstanding over the owner of a certain tape has Victor thinking Patrick is in fact the gay brother, and that he should deliver the tape to him.

As Patrick is sauntering down the road in painful indignity, Victor pulls up in his car, informs Patrick that the two have never met, then hands him a VHS of hardcore gay pornography. The look of bewilderment on Patrick's face puts me in hysterics every time!
