The ending

Who else was disappointed with the ending? Hooch was so great and then he died and it was really sad (I admit I got a bit choked up). But then...oh, great...Hooch's girlfriend had puppies and one of them is just a miniature version of his This didn't make me any less sad about Hooch's death. Hooch cannot be replaced.



I'm surprised that they never did a Sequel and of course bring back the Original Hooch since when the Puppy is full grown it would of looked like Hooch.So you could of brought back the Original Hooch and it would of been liked he never died!


I HATED the ending. Especially when they tried to clean it up by the vet's collie having 5 collie pups and one who looked like Hooch! Like others said, you can't replace one dog with another. Also, how dumb do they think we are! A Bordeaux Mastiff mating with a collie would come up with some really ugly mutts that looked like neither parent.

But I hated hour or so of perfect hilarity...then tragedy which made me cry through the credits. Bad writer, bad!


I hated the ending too!They could at least have had a bit of garlic lying around and whipped up a Korean night or something...

What a waste...some mighty fine dining there...


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Carpe Discum


The wife was pregnant at the end right? It sure looked it


I cried loads as a kid when i watched this, 20 yrs on and i still cant bring myself to watch it lol




Hated the ending and I agree with what everyone else has said about the puppies. This reminded me of Lady and the Tramp with some of the dogs looking like Lady and some looking like Tramp. It was totally farfetched.


Sheesh, the "Hootch Jr" pup wasn't from that litter of pups! How anyone thinks they were supposed to just amazes me.


I think it's a great ending. There is this inherent sadness in owning a dog, because a dog only lives for 10-15 years, and the owner almost invariably outlives the animal they've become so attached to. The film doesn't shy away from this mortality, but it does offer a happy ending: Hooch's spirit lives on his pup. That's how real life works.

Also, I don't think that Hooch's puppy was necessarily from the same litter as the collie pups. They looked much older.



Hooch wasn't dead.

That dog at the end was just an emaciated Hooch from all the blood loss...right...RIGHT!?!?


some of you guys seriously slay me.. and good call on someone pointing out.. I'd forgotten all about "lil Yeller" at the end of Old Yeller.. but perfect example, as I pointed out in ANOTHER thread.. plenty of films that have more serious momemts.. and yeah.. you're OUTRAGED about killing the dog?

what about the old man that's I don't know.. BRUTALLY murdered? then a few minutes later they go into very GOOD detail on EXACTLY how he was murdered.. people are shot.. I mean.. seriously.. if you were worried about a kid seeing this.. wouldn't you have shut it off after poor old Amos got .. no, not killed.. MURDERED?

And as someone pointed out.. and I kind of like the idea.. it was more fitting for Hooch to die.. cause he did miss Amos, clearly.. and now he's back together with him. should we have a shot of them playing fetch in heaven? would that have made it all better?


Yes, but that old guy who was stabbed to death wasn't so cute, and he didn't slobber all over so adorably, and he probably smelled worse than Hooch.

As sad as Hooch's death was, I was glad to see the little Hoochy in the closet at the end.



I hate movies that think they need a tragic ending to be meaningful. This would've been a wonderful movie if it hadn't ended so terribly. I hated it. It would've been so perfect...what a waste. An absolute waste.

