The reshoots

So I’m interested, after the original director was fired and the replacement director reshot parts of the film does anyone know what parts were reshot? From what I have read the original director wanted the film to be more serious so I’m guessing the first half of the film up through the prison escape were his contributions and the parts from the prison escape up until the final shoot out were the work of the replacement director (you know the parts where the movie starts to get really ridiculous, cough Kurt Russell in drag, cough)


i only know ray's sister was written out of film. she appear at start and then vanish til near end.


Gotcha so yeah the Kurt Russell drag scene probably wasn’t the original directors contribution. I’d love to see the directors cut because it is beyond obvious that this was made by multiple people with different artistic visions. Gotta say the prison part was pretty good there is just too much silliness after they escape and before the big final shootout


yes this film is dogs dinner but they make it work in editing. they bring in legend editor called stuart baird to fix this film. there was many big problems

i would also assume that sly take over from directing because original director and cinematographer were fired. i wonder why sly did not direct this film from start? he directed most of his film in the 80s, even ones with other directors name on it were directed by sly. film would be better with sly only as director. this is same problem with film 'over the top' which sly says he regret not directing himself

yes you are right. it feels like film with different artistic vision, because different people make it. it have different tones in some scenes. it is strange.


Teri Hatcher replaced Daphne Ashbrook. In Daphne's memoir, Dead Woman Laughing, she talked about her experience. Long story short: She likes Kurt Russell but doesn't like Sly Stallone.


Sly was calling all the shots in this film and if she didn't get along with him, it's no surprise that she was canned.


According to her, the real conflict was between Sly and producer Jon Peters. Sly wanted Daphne to be a brunette whereas Jon wanted her to stay blonde but darker.


I remember reading Ray's sister was mostly cut from the movie during re-edits. Notice how she's not at Gabe & Ray's trial? Sly had a great eye for talent and would always choose good actors for this films, and he probably thought Teri Hatcher was a better actress than Ashbrook.
