Gay over tones!!!

Tango ask his command officer if he is proposing to him after he arrives back to the station after the first bust. Then, he and Cash have comparison check while in the showers of the prison and Tango says I just do not know you that well enough after Cash pretends that he wants to just get soap. I can understand protecting your sister, but Tango also seem alittle jealous that Cash was doing something very pleasurable with his sister. I think that Tango want to be on top of that whole ordeal. Their are more overtones but, you have too see it. Was Cash gay? or Just too damn well dressed for a cop! Someone explain it to me.


Or maybe you're the one who is gay and by trying to find these so called homosexual overtones, you're really trying to come to grips with your own feelings.


That's funny. It seems that gay guys always think that straight men are secretly gay. Keep up the wishful thinking dude, it's only in your MIND!!


I agree. But this movie... Now that i think about it, i actually like it that this movie has "gay over tones" but never is neither of the characters actually revealed to be gay. It's left kinda open and i like it that way. Normally i don't really like gay stuff, though, forgive me god.


No, criticguy is right in this case. This movie has extremely gay overtones (or is
it undertones? Doesn't matter, you get the idea) which are not even subtle. I didn't notice anything at first, the Stallone metro thing and the "proposal" comment didnt even stand out. But then the prison scene....These 2 comfortably walk naked down the hallway, showing their asses to the camera, and they make jokes about each other's naked bodies.
I don't know anything about prison, but the fact that these 2 guys went straight to the showers before even being provided cells was just weird. And that too, there's no to other prisoners or even guards there. And if there's only 2 guys in an empty long row of showers you would think they would keep their distance, maybe even at opposite ends. But no, they stand right next to each other, less than arms distance apart.

Just two guys standing naked in a shower talking to each other. And not uncomfortably, looking up and away from each other, but instead they face each other and have eye contact, while naked, very close together when they have all that personal space they could use intsead.
Then yes, Kurt drops his soap in the shower(the last thing anyone wants to do in prison), conveniently next to Sly's feet, and has to bend over with his face in front of Sly's crotch, probably to take a peek. Sly says "woah, no, don't" and Kurt says "don't flatter yourself pee-wee" implying 'you're too small for me' and Sly retorts "Minnie Mouse".

And then later on they make jokes about each other's cocks again. This is gayer than anything in Top Gun.


It seems that gay guys always think that straight men are secretly gay.... wishful thinking......

Why is it, that many 'straight' guys make the claim, that this is just wishful thinking of 'gay' guys? It is reverse hypocrisy, as they are wantonly assuming, that a guy is going to be 'straight', before he is 'gay'. Have you not heard of 'bisexuality'? It does exist and is more common in men, than you may want to believe. Most people don't understand that being 'gay' is a state of being and think that it is just an attitude or behaviour that can be reversed.


"Or maybe you're the one who is gay and by trying to find these so called homosexual overtones, you're really trying to come to grips with your own feelings."

I guess because I can point out some wierd moments of film that makes a homo right. Damn! well I see the true gay guy has step up.

I can never understand those who get angry at comments made at this message board. This is a place to express your opinion on a topic. Not attack those who make the observation. By the way I am happy married to a woman, Bob! Keep up those stupid comments and you will meet Bob!!!

You smell that! Huh? It's that new perfume sirwilliam12003 is wearing! What's that ENVY! What PENIS ENVY!!! ==========> Leave the black man alone hoe!


your married to a woman named bob? and you say your not gay? rofl. btw this movie is great.


Or maybe you're the one who is gay and by trying to find these so called homosexual overtones, you're really trying to come to grips with your own feelings.

C'mon! The homoerotic overtones are all over the place in Tango & Cash, just remember that scene in the shower! or what about Kurt Russell in drag?
I don't have problems dealing with that, if at least the "jokes" were moderately funny, but they ain't funny at all!
Tango & Cash is Sly and Russell in their gayest roles ever.



I totaly agree, when I saw this movie it was the first thing I thought about, how close they where in the shower, the trans-dressing part, the penis talk and the sexy clothes... after all, mostly guys watch movies like these... Why are the guys dressed so sexy in a movie intended for guys?


Gay guys don't think all straight men are secretly gay. But we can still enjoy fantasizing, just like straight people do about women in movies they don't ever have a hope in hell of ever actually shagging and will probably never meet. This is sort of the point of putting pretty people in movies actually. And for the record, Kurt Russell > Sly.


I agree with this posting far more than the others. As a 60 yr. old gay guy who has many straight singles and couples as good friends, I have been around the block a few times. I think the writers meant the scenes w/gay overtones as just funny little sidebars. Most secure, stable straight and gay men should just get a harmless laugh out of them. I thought russell looked better in drag than a lot of women. So let's all enjoy a funny, not very cerebral movie and move on!



I truely believe anyone who doesn't completely and utterly repress themselves has had a gay thought at some point in their life. Doesn't mean they are gay, just means they have wondered.

Red team.
Because if The Matrix has tauught us anything, blue is for quitters.


"I had a gay friend who said that everyone has gay thoughts."
I don't know if this is true or not however, assuming that it is, wouldn't it hold that the reverse is true - that everyone gay has hetero thoughts?

I have a number of gay friends, and I've never heard anyone mention this.


There were definite gay overtones to these characters, but I don't think they were intentional...just the screenwriter/directors attempts at being "Hollywood cute" IMO.


I got the feeling that the character of Tango might be gay, considering the things he said throughout the movie and whatnot. It's hinted at, but nothing is said, so the viewer can decide for themselves I guess, but the subtext is there, for sure.


Dont be rediclious all of the "gay overtones" are simply in the film for humor, such as the "I hate danish" comments, and so on. The film is magic because it cant be taken too seriously.


I just took it as them both being a couple of smartasses. And the one being over protective of his sibling. And, maybe he was metrosexual before metrosexual was "in style"



"Tango & Cash is one of the gayest action movies in history..."

'T & C' is way up there - but I've always thought that 'Top Gun' is one of the gayest movies in history. Which doesn't stop it from being a great movie, but really, all of these scenes with them in towels, right out of the shower?
Loved it ;-)

'The Big Hit', with Mark Whalberg is another good one.


Nowadays It's to the point where every single messageboard has at least one person that starts a thread suggesting gay overtones and what not. Whether it be because one guy jokingly makes a gay comment or two people in a movie are true friends. Why is everybody so desperate to see homosexuality when it isn't there. I just don't get it



I must've missed the part where I was supposed to find the subject so hiliarious. I don't see anybody here making any jokes, they seem to honestly believe that every single character in every movie that came out before the 90's is gay. I find that pathetic, not humorous



Who said I was offended? Just because I don't find this thread as hilarious as you seem to find it doesn't mean I'm offended. I was just stating my opinion that I think it's really lame that everybody is always thinking everybody is gay. Ofcourse it's a hilarious movie and the one or 2 gay jokes in it were funny too. If that makes me silly in your eyes, so be it



give me a break where do you people even get this from


I think there are gay overtones to most 1980s buddy films: it was a decade of debauchery and inhibition after all.

... Maybe Lethal Weapon is the only 1980s film without gay overtones.



I know: imagine analysing film! Obscene!

I can see your tolerance & open-mindedness have no bounds.

