4.9? No way

This movie is like a 7 or an 7.5 tops, I don't understand the 4.9 business

Badger my ass its probably Milhouse


Neither do I. Especially when I just watched this on Netflix, and 90% of the reviews on that site were favorable. So when I came over here to IMDB, I was shocked at how low it was! I mean I wasn't expect anything over 8.0 stars. But I certainly didn't expect anything under 6.0 either. People are nuts lol

Tad: You're a mean old witch!
Sandi: I am NOT old!


yeah 6 or 7 sounds right, 4.9 is ridiculous!

Badger my ass its probably Milhouse


4.9 is what this movie deserves for Meryl Streep's performance compared to the rest of this pathetic pile of crap. come on. i know a comedy is supposed to be funny, but this is just plain stupid.

1) houses just DO NOT blow up from the crap that she did. catch on fire, sure but really? and did the fire department just become stupid overnight? besides that, who keeps their client information AT HOME where the wife who has NOTHING BUT TIME can find said information? does not fit the profile of the character. if he has cheated before, he would be more secretive.

2) a nursing home that has been featured on "lifestyles of the rich and famous" IS NOT going to hire someone without proper credentials and references

3) controlled substances are not kept in unlocked cabinets with unauthorized access, plus someone would have noticed if everyone else started exhibiting sign of not being medicated.

4) if Meryl Streep's character is paying for her mother to be medicated by the nursing home, wouldn't someone have made sure she stayed that way?

5) starting ANY business in New York City COSTS a lot of money, not to mention the ton of paperwork required.

6) people who embezzle money and move the money to secret offshore bank accounts DO NOT leave that information, and the "secret access code" to the account just lying around for assistants etc., to just "find". THAT'S WHY IT'S A SECRET! besides, don't you think the embezzler, if he's that good of an accountant to get away with it for so long would not have noticed someone is screwing around with his accounts LONG before the IRS came to get him?

7) comparing this pile of crap to First Wives Club or Death Becomes Her is just plain delusional. SORRY!

basically, this movie is an epic fail!


Well, I worked at one of the nicest and most expensive nursing homes in my state and it wasn't hard to get in as long as you can pass a criminal background check and have the right personality for the job. A lot of people don't want to work in nursing homes or don't stay long. You will, literally, have to wipe someones ass at some point. It's not a job most people want to stay in so there's a high turn over rate and that's despite the decent pay.

Also, homes have their own protocols on medication access. We had an employee access pills multiple times before anybody caught on to what they were doing. They added better preventative measures afterwards but this just happened like a year ago.

You also cannot "force" a resident with all their marbles to take their pills.


It's okay that you didn't like the movie, but that is one of the more ridiculous lists I've seen on this site. You are over-thinking it. Comedies can defy logic for the sake of humor just as much as a sci-fi film can defy logic for the sake of visual effects and thrills.



Lol.... It's a movie dumbass. It doesn't have to be realistic. Go watch a documentary if that's what you want.


I agree, but don't you dare criticizing a feminist movie. 😁


This movie is hilarious. Love it.


I agree 4.9 is too low! 6-7 range is definite. Movie and it's shananigans are fitting for the time it came out in it's genre. Let's not get too analytical about this one folks.


The poster has two women on it, and this is IMDb--surprise, surprise.

Meanwhile, dreck like Ace Ventura is at 6.9; Anchorman (which I had to turn off), 7.3.

"Well, for once the rich white man is in control!" C. M. Burns


I gave it a 9. I really can't think of many ways to improve upon it. Masterpiece as far as I'm concerned. Go, Ruth Patchett!


I gave it a 10. It's among my favorite films ever. It's funny, campy, over-the-top and hilarious. It's not meant to be taken seriously.


It moved up to 5.7.


Yeah, weird imo that it's not at least past 5, if not 6 or even 7. It might not be for everyone, but anyone who watched it around its release date surely loved it.
