wouldnt adam sandler and chris rock do well in a remake?


NO!!!!!!!!! Hollywood has too many remakes. Don't touch this one!


why to remake a great movie?
i dont think that hollywood is out of ideas yet (though its very hard to find great movies now days...).


they're doing it to all movies that are great ones. might as well throw robocop in there. (strong rumor)



Class of '76 Rules! USA
ELO, Ford Pintos & All in the Family


I'd rather say not a remake than a lookalike-movie. The theme would be the same (wrongfully accused and escaping) but the whole sory and jokes MUST be different. Maybe a Longest Yard 2. But Sandler won't do it, as well as Rock neither.

(A Stir Crazy "remake" for Longest Yard 2 - but it will never happen, and that's better)


HELL! NO!!!!!

never underestimate the power of the mind


umm... hells no.


i'd think it would be a funny combonation

"i'd rather die a soldier than live my life as a coward" - 2pac


yeah reverse the roles.. have chris rock be deaf and adam sandler be blind, then sandler can do stupid pratfalls (that's quactastic and highlarious)) and rock can screech really loudly, "what did you say? i'm deaf dammit, speak up, look at my ears, they don;t work! you know most people speak like the person who's talking to them can hear, lemme just say I CAN"T HEAR!"

actually this might be funnier then the original's "what do you mean i'm not white! does mom know?!?" oh wait sandler would actually have to be in it wouldn't he? hmmmm.


Why not remake "the DaVinci Code" too while we're at it. Lets remake every film that has ever existed. Lets remake things that haven't been released yet. Lets have teams of scriptwriters copying each other and having 179,990.65 almost identical films released at the same moment.

Lets remake all Adam Sandler films with a sack of coke in the staring role. Lets cast a Cornflake in all Morgan Freeman roles.

Ever board I see is full of people saying "this needs to be remade", "I think X should remake this", "Who would you cast in a remake" Its not even like remaking this film would technically add much.

And yes they would do well because of the amount of money they would demand to be paid for it. I would do well cast as a film lead. The film would suck but I would do well.


ha!!! the reason why everyone says that everything needs to be remade, is because everything is being remade, everything will eventually be remade, and then sometime down the road, everything will be remade yet again. and then as that's not enough, everything will be remade but with slightly different twists! Hollywood had long ago run out of ideas, and if need any proof of that the fact that there's a new Police Academy movie and a new Ninja Turtles in the works is all the evidence anyone needs!

My thinking is that if everything is gonna be remade anyways, might as well imagine what so and so could do with the role. how about you've got mail or brokeback mountain with sandler and rock? with a chimp and a dokey? no how about with sam l jackson and alexis bidel see it never ends! burt reynolds and sylvester stallone, how about a lesbian brokeback mountain? how about an animal brokeback mountain, how about an all appliance brokeback mountain? how about one with Tracey Morgan and Tim Meadows, how about one with sheep? how about one with thumbs (oh wait that's prob being done! Thumb Wars anyone?)

I like the idea of See no evil/hear no evil with sandler/rock though, the two of em could make a good wilder/pryor team, and heavens knows there's no good white/black team tearing up the screen these days at least not working together the way those guys did. (though they;ve certainly tried every combo you could possibly think of) we need a team to remind people of how funny it was when two mismatched people could team up together, like chirs ticker and jackie chan in those golden hollywood era Rush Hour films, seriously could sandler/rock be any worse then some of the pairings we seen recently? (for my money deniro and grodin did it best in midnight run, and eddie murphy and nick nolte did well in 48 hours but that doesn't mean i wanna see deniro pairing up murphy oh crap that did happen, or grodin with nolte, or grodin with murphy. actually deniro with nolte--the two of em could have a growl/mumble off) anyways if everything is gonna be remade, why not try to pair off everyone as well, what does hollywood have to loose? money? pshhhh what money! but finding a great couple, that means a lot of money!





The concept of them remaking this will not be anything like the original version of this movie at all! They will alter and change on how the characters meet and anything else you can think of! Yes I think if they did remake this Rock and Adam Sandler would be perfect for the roles but it just would not be the same without Gene Wilder and Richard Pryor in the film.

Do not do the remake at all! Leave this classic alone!

Dedicated to USA UP ALL NIGHT and the fans of the show!
