MovieChat Forums > Road House (1989) Discussion > What's your favorite/funny quotes from t...

What's your favorite/funny quotes from the movie that you liked or loved

"what if someone calls my mama a wh*re?"
is she? <-- LOL.



My personal favorite was Jeff Healey's line to Dalton "Yeah and I thought you'd be bigger".

One of the reasons I like this line is that the first time I met Jeff, I made a comment to him and he replied with "yeah and I thought you'd be bigger". It was so awesome! And this was a good 10 years after the movie came out.



Jeff Healey is totally blind. He couldn't tell how "big" anyone was.


Jeff Healey is totally blind. He couldn't tell how "big" anyone was

Yes, we are totally aware that he was blind, I met him twice and I have friends that knew him. That's what makes the line even funnier when he says it though.


"Man, this place is worse than the dive we played in Dayton!!"....cause I'm from there!! and I can just imagine which one!!


Funniest quote of all time in this movie is when Cody tells Dalton he will see him later. Cause he can't see. The lamest quote is when Jimmy tells Dalton he used to *beep* guys like him in prison. The weirdest past of this movie is when we see Julie Michaels character beaten up you feel sorry for her. and by the end you think she will get out of this situation. but then she does the striptease and your like WTF? Where were they going with this character

If time is not true, what purpose have watchmakers?


"It's two nouns combined to elicit a response."





a polar bear fell on me...


I always liked when Dalton fired Morgan. Morgan then calls Dalton a a-hole and what is he going to do next.

Dalton "There's always barber college."

I just love how it was delivered.


Mind your own business... DAD! lol


"You're outta here ... Take the train!"

Who knew Jasper had light rail?


Dalton should have suggested wrestling school. Morgan was played by professional wrestler Terry Funk.


"Calling me sir is like puttin an elevator in an outhouse... it don't belong!"


"There's a sign above the urinals that says 'Don't eat big white mint'"

Is this how you'd spend your last day on Earth? -No one




People kept saying to Dalton "I thought you'd be taller". That was an okay line. I wonder what Jimmy would have done if someone said that to him. It would not have been pretty.


He would say something like:

Gee thanks, I've like totally cut carbs out of my diet and have been doing butt clentches everyday to keep my ass nice and tight.


"A polar bear fell on me."


Wade.."The Double Douche"
