I don't dislike this movie, i think its interesting to see another take on the book other than Andrew Lloyd Webbers version, and I think Erik's disfigurement was most loyal to the book in this film which I think was great because the whole point of The Phantom is that he is completely distorted. But I agree, the prostitutes were not needed. Why do people feel the need to sex-up the character of The Phantom?? These morons should read the book. Read the book and be captivated by the original story where the Phantom is actually disfigured, frightening, and not some figure of forbidden desire and raunch.
Erik aka The Phantom is meant to be completely distorted. Once Christine rips his mask off (in the book) he loses all sense of musical superiority and confidence and becomes a pitiful, pathetic creature who begs christine for mercy and love. That goes to show that he is meant to be a character who is not confident in love or sensuality, his only release from his physical ugliness is the beauty of music, and the beauty of Christine. He feels euphoric to find that Christine sees him as an 'angel', when in reality he is a physical monster who has never been showed love by other human beings.
Thusly, he becomes obsessed with Christine and kills/hopes to kill anybody who stands between himself and her. He is not an altogether pitiful, tragic character, for he is also a madman and a murderer.
The 2004 film got the Phantom all wrong. I appreciate where their coming from, but Leroux's character is not meant to be a symbol of desire and sexual awakening for Christine, he is meant to be her source of musical inspiration and also of complete terror. In the book, she is clearly terrified by the Phantom once she understands his villainous nature, and has no sexual feelings for him. She trusts him because she beleives he is an angel sent to watch over her by her father, and in a way he manipulates that trust.
Point being theres not meant to be any sexuality between Erik & christine and because of Eriks nature, why on earth would he visit a prostitute???