Down's Syndrome??

They are saying on the board for the TV series that Gil and Karen's baby had Down's Syndrome. I never noticed that before although have seen the move numerous times. Can anyone confirm or deny? Any quotes from Ron Howard or anyone else in a position to know for sure, other than someone's perception of what the Baby looked like? I just looked at the final scene on Netflix, and it does look very possible, but I have never heard this mentioned before! Seems kinda important.


That was my question the first time I saw the movie. After subsequent viewings, I've concluded the baby does have Down's. It makes perfect sense her parents would be a bit wistful.


I just watched this movie again for the umteenth time and it doesn't look to me like the baby had Down's at all. If Wiest's character is crying, it's bacause she is happy. And Mary Stienbergen's character is the same way. Everyone is happy and grateful for what they have.

How sad, that you were not born in my time, nor I, in yours.


Lots of babies look like they have downs at some point in their early development. It has to be confirmed upon noticing other symptoms. If the baby had downs, they would've pointed it out. I remember people saying that about Suri Cruise, too...I have a nephew with Down's, when you see them for yourself, up close and often, you can see that this baby in the movie doesn't have Down's


I thought the same thing when I first saw this as a teen.


First of all, it's Down Syndrome, not Down's Syndrome or Downs Syndrome. Second, they show the baby for all of a few seconds. It's impossible to tell. I don't see anything in that baby that might look like DS.


Down Syndrome, not Down's Syndrome or Downs Syndrome.

Thanks for the correction. I guess because Syndrome starts with "S", I just assumed.It is impossible to tell, if you only hear it spoken.


It should've been Helen's baby with Down Syndrome. That'd be much more believable seeing as how she appeared to be too old to even be having a baby in the first place.
