MovieChat Forums > Leviathan (1989) Discussion > Awful Movie, Just Awful! (Includes SPOIL...

Awful Movie, Just Awful! (Includes SPOILERS)

Ok, just laughed my way through this junk as it was on HBO. So many dumb, bad things here, but to mention just a few -

SPOILERS so don't read if you really need to see this garbage.

During the exams that Richard Crenna is giving, Amanda Pays is wearing sexy Victoria's Secret style underwear (not complaining!!), yet the other woman, Bowman, comes to her exam with only a bath towel on, and is obviously not wearing any clothes. In a situation where there's a deadly mutagen among the crew, I think modesty during a medical exam goes out the window.

One of the mutants somehow smashes the air supply tubes, which then causes the alarm system to go into a countdown till implosion. Tell me, if the air supply tubes are broken INSIDE the flippin' base, how in the heck is the place going to implode? There needs to be an escape of air, not releasing air into an already air-tight environment.

Then, the alarm says CLEARLY "ONE minute to implosion". Cut to the next scene, and the alarm says "FOUR minutes to implosion". Where'd they get the extra minutes?

As Beck, Willy, and Jones are getting into the suits, Jones and Beck just get in with their clothes on. Willy has to strip down to her panties. Again, not complaining, but this was just stupid.

After 2 of their friends and fellow crew die horrible deaths, Willy simply goes for a little jog, ALONE, and with headphones on. Jones goes to watch some videos, again ALONE and with headphones on. It is really a stretch to think that they'd be acting that way.

The shark was pointless.

The monster appearing at the end was ridiculous. If it somehow survived the implosion by getting out in the nick of time, that was never even HINTED at. Then there's no way it would survive decompression...which leads me to...

The "decompression" as they ascended towards the surface. It takes a looooooong time to decompress, not seconds. And the suits suddenly detach, once they magically determine that there's no more nitrogen to boil out of the occupant's blood? And the survivors have to now hold there breath the last 100 feet or so, after their suits explode off with no warning? Riiiight...

This movie is easily one of the stupidest, silliest things ever made. Awful! But Amanda Pays was smoking hot, so I give it that much.


Oh, it was DEFINITELY a really bad movie, but at least it was also funny.

I laughed a lot, and usually with B movies, I don't. I usually wind up rolling my eyes in annoyance, A LOT.

The only parts of the movie which really bugged me, was when the doctor kept examining people and RARELY wore gloves. Most of the situations where the doctor was making examinations (especially on the dead bodies) was where you would definitely need gloves at the bare MINIMUM. And when he made Beck put on a breathing mask, but didn't give him gloves? Yep, I rolled my eyes, and was like, "Um, really?"

Beyond that though, I just dealt with the basic stupidity of the movie.

I didn't even think what I usually think when I see a bad movie with A list actors, which is, "Wow, such a shame that they have such good actors in this, and they STILL CAN'T pull this film off." Weirdly, they all seemed to be a decent fit for this movie. I still think Amanda Pays was best as Victoria in Oxford Blues, but she was OK in this. Though, OK, I admit, when she went running with the headphones on AFTER those two people died, I did think, "Yeah, right, that's exactly what I'd do after two people just died mysteriously. Go running, in the dark, alone..." NOT! lol

I love Hector Elizondo. I think he's an awesome actor, but I think he was wasted in this film. There is so much more they could have done to better utilize his skills.

Ernie was awesome, though. And as many others around here have already said, the "Gone? Bitch, we're still here!" was hilarious. I nearly couldn't stop laughing.

And as usual, Meg Foster is awesome at playing a baddie. And while I knew she was going to get punched after greeting Beck and Willy as she did, I still laughed when he did it.

So, overall, yeah, a bad (really bad) movie, but still had a few redeeming moments thanks to the laughter.

And also, yes, it was an Alien ripoff, and I know a lot of people are saying, "The Thing," as well, but I can't comment on that as I've never seen it. However, to me, it seemed like they made the monster a Alien/Predator combo.



Amanda Pays in her sexy panties and bra made it worth sitting through. And I've had a thing for Lisa Eilbacher since the 80s! I'd love to be underwater with two gorgeous women like that. Especially if Pays is gonna run around like that.


One of the worst movies I've ever seen personally.


It gets WORSE.

Try watching it on COMET TV.

It is SO heavily edited.


I know that this is a really old post and people have probably answered these queries. This movie is a guilty pleasure for me and I seriously watch it several times a week - helps me relax. So here are my thoughts.

1. I agree with someone who said that the instructions that Doc gave the women were probably interpretted differently. But if you look closely when Bowman is being taken to the infirmary and lies down, you can see she is wearing underwear, so she isn't completely naked.

2. Hmmm I'm not going to get into the science of this one.

3. I didn't notice this one, I might go check that out. But obviously just an error when they were making the movie.

4. I always figured that she was stripping down, knowing that she was going to have to swim to the surface and it's obviously easier to swim with less clothes on. Maybe Jones didn't think about that, and Beck clearly didn't have time to undress.

5. As mentioned previously, they do talk about people dealing with things differently. They must have thought they were safe, I'm sure they would never have anticipated the animal/monster coming back to kill them. At that point, they were simply dealing with their grief.

6. Yes the sharks were really pointless.

7. The one at the end was the monster they let out at the start that was a combination of Six pack and Bowman. The one inside that got crushed was leg that generated from the leg. Again, as someone said, if the mutation was marine life-like then it is very plausible that it could survive after being let go in the ocean.

8. Yeah I kind of agree here. I don't think it would have been as easy as they made out - but we don't really know what those suits can do. There would have to have been some mechanism in the suits to allow for quick escape.

Not a bad movie, not a great movie. Just one you can't take too seriously.
