Blowing it up won't kill it. There were obviously chunks of it all over the place, and as we know their first attempt to put it back in the ocean a piece got cut off and lived on its own.
Now there are like thousands of little pieces that'll become little monsters and infect sharks, or other dangerous sea-life. Since it has all that "absorbed intelligence" could you imagine a shark with all those people's knowledge, or some octopus growing 100x bigger than normal?
Hell Deep Blue Sea already tackled the "smart shark" theory. Another not so good movie...
The ending didn't work because the special effects were pathetic, not even up to 1970s standards. It gave the feeling that our human heroes and Leviathan weren't even in the same ocean. Really awful stuff. 3/10 movie.
But the ending was just the tip of the iceberg in faulty plot-holes in this mess. For one, there were multiple escape options available to the crew members before there were any more deaths beside the first one. I could probably go through this movie and find half a dozen more really dumb plot contrivances. Just a clumsy movie that deserved the short thrift it received during it's initial release ( I remember when it was released, it came and went and quick!)
Live Full & Die Empty. Tap Your Potential and Realise Your Dreams!
The but creature wouldn't. Usually when deep sea creatures are accidentally brought up in fishing nets, they explode because of the pressure difference. KS
Maybe. But films must earn their suspension of disbelief by playing, at least, by their own rules. DonRoberto makes a good point. According to the rules established by "Leviathan," discrete body parts re-animate into fully fledged creatures. Thus, the film's final solution, i.e., blowing up the creature, would suffice simply to spread the creature infection into the local waters.
This film has so many holes that it's hard to count them all, or to know where to begin. First, if the creature constituted a genetic alteration designed for deep sea mining (with gills, scales, etc.), by what reasoning would the sinking of the original Russian vessel eliminate the creature? It can live underwater. Next, if the entire Russian crew succumbed ultimately to creature infestation, where is the original creature? Did they kill it and, if so, how?
Perhaps it was not a solution and the pieces are meant to assimilate all ocean life. Perhaps we, the viewers, are supposed to be the only to expect the impending doom. Seriously, everyone here is picking apart LEVIATHAN, a late 80's scifi/horror creature feature. I'd hate to sit through a movie with any of you, especially if the holes disturbed you more than the movie entertained you.
That's why I drink using a crazy straw - Not so crazy now!
You're right, of course, but really I think the ending basically doesn't work because of the ridiculous sudden appearance of sharks, the mega cheesy line, and then the mega awkward punch. Up until then I was basically fine with everything that was going on
haha I didn't really think that much about the ending how other pieces would be able to grow into other creatures. hmmm interesting.
The sharks were really silly, I don't mind the cheesy line, and the punch was pretty good, she totally deserved it. Maybe there should have been a little bit extra on the end showing a part of the creature coming back to life, then there could have been sequels.
I guess it's a movie if you don't think too much about it, it's not too bad. I watch it quite alot and could probably quote most of it, but I certainly don't take it very seriously and don't think too much about it. This movie is simply a guilty pleasure for me LOL.