MovieChat Forums > Lethal Weapon 2 (1989) Discussion > Did Roger take the money?

Did Roger take the money?

It just seems odd how that scene plays out. Roger is tempted when he finds the money. He wants to do good by his family and take the money he finds in the container. Riggs encourages him to do so. Then Roger makes a big scene by slamming the money down and calling it "Drug Money!" implying its tainted and not worth taking. Riggs once again encourages him to do something good with it. Roger actually say "Frig it!" picks the money up again and looks at it just before the container is locked up with them in it. Even when he turns ready to shoot and takes cover, the money is still in his hands. We don't see if he actually drops it or he does as he looks like he was about to do and just give in and take it. What do you think? I think he should have taken it. Given the damages to is house in the first film and this film and the whole car gag throughout I think the dude should have taken compensation, because I doubt the police force would have covered all those damages. Besides, he earned it.


i dont think roger takes the money. in lw4 riggs is talking to lorna and mentions (half jokingly) that hes tried to get roger to take money when lorna brings up rogers expenses. riggs himself didnt know where the money was coming from so i dont think roger took the money.


I'm not an advocate for cops making a habit of it (though many do, ha ha), but in this one case I'd say why not. The cops wouldn't know the difference, and you don't care what the South African *beep* think. I'd sleep fine knowing i was doing something good with it.


I'm not an advocate for cops making a habit of it (though many do, ha ha), but in this one case I'd say why not. The cops wouldn't know the difference, and you don't care what the South African *beep* think. I'd sleep fine knowing i was doing something good with it.

Exactly. If any thing its the right thing to do. Use the money South African racists got from string young black people out on drugs and will use the money to help finance their continuing oppression of your African brothers and use it to give your African American kids a great education to help better themselves and perhaps make a difference within their community.


There's NEVER a good reason for cops to help themselves to money used in a crime.
No matter what the money was used for, how much there is, or whether anyone would know if they took it.
The one person that WOULD know about it is the cop that took it. And if he or she can live with themselves and they're okay with it then they're not a good cop. Or a good person.
Taking money that doesn't belong to you is stealing and stealing is illegal. Not to mention a good person and good cop couldn't use drug money to put his kids through college. It would take a special brand of scumbag to be okay with that.
Which is why Roger DIDNT take the money. It all went into the water.


Some finches die because their beaks are not suited for the environment.


He doesn't take the money. You can clearly see him put the money down when the container doors lock.


Murtaugh does not take the money.

He's a good cop.

Blood money is morally wrong to take even if one was to use it for good purposes. That money came from the destroyed lives of the victims of the drug trade, plus all the innocent people those criminals killed along the way.

I don't think many people could live with themselves knowing where that money came from.

Sorry but I'd rather be poor than benefit from someone else's suffering. And I know Murtaugh would too.


It seems ambiguous in the film, so maybe it's meant to remain a mystery?



I would have taken that *beep* and spent it on hookers, weed and whisky. Natch.


Watch the elevator scene in Lethal Weapon find out then that he clearly does.




He takes the money. In Lethal 4 hes handing out cash left and right to his kids and Riggs says something like, "Hey did we get a raise and nobody tell me about it." He never drops it during that scene in the shipping container. It looks like he puts it in his coat pocket as hes drawing his gun up to see who closed the shipping container doors.


The money was in the form of $1,000 bills, which you can't easily spend or deposit into a bank without a lot of questions being asked (especially if you have a bunch of them), and that's not a good thing if you're a cop who illegally appropriated drug money. He would have to find a collector who doesn't ask questions and can afford to buy a whole stack of them. On the plus side, a $1,000 bill is worth over $2,000 on the collector market (it varies according to condition and which date/version you have), so if he did find a collector or collectors who didn't ask questions, he could get more than double the face value.


They are the prize in "Cliffhanger" too.
I find it weird that $1000 dollar bills were ever produced , since electronic transfer was invented anyway , which must have been in the 70s

They are stopping producing £50 notes in the UK because they are pretty much exclusively used by criminals!


That's not true! I use £50's to pay my guy!


i thought leo would help launder it.
