MovieChat Forums > The Karate Kid Part III (1989) Discussion > Why was Daniel so weak in this movie?

Why was Daniel so weak in this movie?

He should of been so much better in the final fight.

1. He had all the skills and training from the first movie,

2. He maintained training and learned the handheld drum from the second movie

3. He got some minor training from Silver and then full training from Miyagi in this movie.

Daniel should of been near Pro by the fight time, but he was fighting as if he was a beginner. It is not out of the realm that Mike could of Won, but def thought Daniel would of done better.


Terry Silver tried to turn Daniel from wimp to winner but he was so hopeless constantly whining “why do I have to do this?!” while Silver was trying to teach him Quicksilver. It’s no wonder he performed so embarrassingly against Barnes.


Miyagi’s teachings were ultimately useless in real world situations. He was a drunk who filled Daniel’s head with random nonsense. Barnes immediately exposed him as a paper champion (“there’s nothing you have that I can’t counter.”)


Then how did he beat Johnny and Chozen? Ok fine, Johnny was a regulated match...But he beat Chozen, He beat Barnes friends when he was having a date in 3, he beat Chozens friends....Did not seem useless.


Chozen was processing the betrayal by his uncle and temporarily distracted by heckling from the biased crowd. Daniel took advantage of his momentary loss in concentration, but would later prove no match for him on Cobra Kai.

The lighting in the crap shack (Mr Miyagi’s little trees) was abysmal. Having grown up without electricity in Newark, Daniel had more experience moving around in the dark and managed to get the better of Dennis that one time. Otherwise, Miyagi’s training added up to very little.


You're definitely right that it doesn't make sense. This isn't something I realized as a kid while watching the movie but as an adult it's glaringly obvious that Daniel should be a stronger fighter who doesn't get his ass kicked all the time. It's the one major weak point in an otherwise very entertaining film.

As you say, it's not out of the realm of possibility that Karate's bad boy Mike Barnes could've won--the dude was basically a Karate tournament mercenary, brought in by Silver just because of how good he was--but you would expect a better showing from Daniel-san.


Considering that Whinielle was reduced to squealing that he was afraid and peeing on the mat…. yes he could have had a better showing.

I wonder why the late great Pat Johnson allowed for public urination during a tournament fight?
