The Grail Knight explains it perfectly to Indy, after he wisely chooses the correct Grail:
"The Grail cannot pass beyond the Great Seal. That is the boundary, and the price of immortality."
Exactly. Odd how so many people totally miss that and think anyone who passes the seal after drinking from the Grail will still be immortal. That at least was clearly explained.
It's a good limitation imposed by God on what would otherwise be coveted by everyone, but since you'd have to keep drinking from the Grail to achieve immortality, as the Knight did as an example, ...
Nitpicking, but I don't think it was determined that you would have to necessarily *keep* drinking from the Grail to stay alive. I mean, perhaps you'd need some kind of food and water (and I didn't see a privy in that cave...) to otherwise stay alive, but the way it seemed to me was that once you drank from the Grail, you'd live forever as long as you didn't pass the seal, whether or not you drank any more from the Grail.
I guess there could be three options about the Grail that wasn't specifically addressed other than the "no passing the great seal" warning:
1) You drink from the Grail and keep drinking from the Grail in order to stay alive.
2) You drink from the Grail and you stay alive as long as you otherwise eat food and drink any water even if it's not from the Grail.
3) You drink from the Grail and you stay alive even if you drink or eat nothing else for eternity.