MovieChat Forums > Ghostbusters II (1989) Discussion > Was Viggo stronger than Gozer?

Was Viggo stronger than Gozer?

I think Viggo in a way was more powetful than Gozer.

Staypuff was damanged and knocked back by the proton beams very easily.

Also Viggo easily deflected the beams away from himself at the final battle.
He also rendered the entire team completly paralysed.
Remember he was not at his full level of power.

The four ghostbusters managed to close Gozer's dimensional portal, without any resistence.

I understand that they crossed the streams, but the portal in my opinion still closed to qucickly.

And yes Viggo is weakend by people singing! I found that pretty funny!

But he was a mere spirit and not yet merged with Oscar.

Who would win in a battle Gozer or Viggo- As he would be if he fused himself with Oscar?


Reading some of the comments I'm not sure Gozer became Stay Puffy.. he only created him!! Gozer using his godlike powers (so he must be stronger)

Gozer was never defeated, they blew up the stay puff closed the portal and probably trapped Gozer in it. But Gozer certainly did not turn into a giant marshmellow.



The OP has some very good points.
I never really thought about it.

I think Viggo was definitely using the negative-slime to enhance his powers,
feeding off it, if you will.

Can we call it a draw?

Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain, and most fools do. - Benjamin Franklin.


Yeah Vigo was in the process of reaching Gozerhood but was rudley interupted


I think physically, Vigo was stronger than Gozer. But Gozer was much more powerful, if that makes any sense. Gozer had more at his/her disposal, as others have mentioned already, and overmatched our heroes, but not completely.

Vigo gave a good fight, but he was vanquished.

That said, I've always liked Vigo more than Gozer.

I just DO, ok? 
