Why do people hate part II so much?
I don't get why this film gets so much hate.
shareI don't get it either, I always found both extremely entertaining and they've both held up very well. Always felt the sequel was sorely underrated and deserved much better.
The common criticisms I've seen GB2 get is it's too similar to the original and hits too many of the same beats (which I can see although I think it still does enough new and different that it feels fresh) and that it's toned down and kid-friendly compared to the first mainly since the Ghostbusters don't smoke nearly as much. Which I always felt was a ridiculous criticism, they didn't smoke a whole lot in the first either, and nothing about the sequel feels more kid-friendly. If anything it feels far darker and scarier.
The common criticisms I've seen GB2 get is...it's toned down and kid-friendly
I think by "kid-friendly" they mean that A. there's a baby in it, and B. there's not nearly as many dirty jokes. I think the average joke in part two is about as good as the average joke in part 1, the main difference being that I never found anything in part two to be as funny as the best jokes in the original. But the only thing I actually find bad about part two is the musical score, which is full of '80s-era schmaltzy romantic music. The original score was much better.
-There is no such word as "alot."
'80s-era schmaltzy romantic music. The original score was much better.
I think by "kid-friendly" they mean that A. there's a baby in it, and B. there's not nearly as many dirty jokes.
So? Having a baby doesn't by default mean its kiddie. Keep in mind the villain wanted to POSSESS that baby. That's actually pretty damn sinister
Dirty jokes can be a crutch
and that it's toned down and kid-friendly compared to the first
It moves in fits and starts.
And it treats the audience like idiots.
We're expected to believe that after everything that happened at the end of the first movie that NO ONE believes in the paranormal anymore.
Everyone believes the marshmellow man, the bleeding walls, the ghosts flying around, all a complete hoax?
And Vigo's big plan makes no sense. He wants to go in to a baby for what reason?
He can possess Junosch so why not just go into him and dominate the world or the city? He did that to Ray at the end.
When the baby possession process is disturbed he just comes put of the painting to get Oscar for himself anyway. And why when he has four adults laying on the floor disabled?
The whole thing just feels lazy and dumb to me.
Well, a big theme of the movie is how New Yorkers are all cynical and jaded ("My Dad says you guys are full of crap.").
It's not as fleshed out as much as it could be, I'll grant you that. It's better explained in the movie novelization, so I assume it's due to scenes being cut.
And I assume he wants a baby so he can have an Earthly body that's going to have a long life.
The ending is a little clunky in the logic department, but it is a comedy, and again, the point is positivity winning out, etc.
"If it seems too complicated, make it easy on yourself: just send money."
Ok..You make some valid points
shareI always assumed the reason no one believed in the paranormal anymore was due to the mood slime affecting them. The movie never really specified if you had to make contact with it or not for it to affect you.
As for Vigo's plan, I can't figure that one out either lol. They should've explained that better.
It moves in fits and starts.
And it treats the audience like idiots.
We're expected to believe that after everything that happened at the end of the first movie that NO ONE believes in the paranormal anymore.
Everyone believes the marshmellow man, the bleeding walls, the ghosts flying around, all a complete hoax?
And Vigo's big plan makes no sense. He wants to go in to a baby for what reason?
He can possess Junosch so why not just go into him and dominate the world or the city? He did that to Ray at the end.
When the baby possession process is disturbed he just comes put of the painting to get Oscar for himself anyway.
And why when he has four adults laying on the floor disabled?
Whatever the haters say, I disagree with them.
Bon Scott
The problem is that while not a bad film Ramis and Aykroyd were going to have to work hard to equal the fun, charm and brilliance of the first movie which wasn't going to be an easy task. They'd really set the bar high with the first movie that inevitably people were going to naturally compare the second to the first. This just didn't live quite up to people's expectations and just lacked the surprises and some of the sublime one-liners. Plus the plot revolving how they'd been drummed out of business just didn't make any sense and expected the audience to suspend disbelief too much. I realize this was a supernatural comedy but even then the plot to some degree has to make some sense within the context of the movie. So while I don't hate Ghostbusters II it was still something of a disappoitment considering how good it's predecessor was.
shareIt does make sense. It's basically outright explained in the movie. "There are some things...most people don't want to know about." People would rather believe the Ghostbusters were fakes than believe there actually is this danger out there that can't be controlled. It that seems irrational, then it's because people are often irrational, not because there's some big plot hole in the writing.
"Much will be expected from the one who has been given much."
The problem is that while not a bad film Ramis and Aykroyd were going to have to work hard to equal the fun, charm and brilliance of the first movie which wasn't going to be an easy task. They'd really set the bar high with the first movie that inevitably people were going to naturally compare the second to the first. This just didn't live quite up to people's expectations and just lacked the surprises and some of the sublime one-liners. Plus the plot revolving how they'd been drummed out of business just didn't make any sense and expected the audience to suspend disbelief too much. I realize this was a supernatural comedy but even then the plot to some degree has to make some sense within the context of the movie. So while I don't hate Ghostbusters II it was still something of a disappoitment considering how good it's predecessor was.
This. I mean, the cartoon led us to believe that the Ghostbusters had an interesting, adventurous time after the first movie. Ghostbusters II basically tells us, no, they got screwed.
shareIt's a by the numbers sequel that takes too many elements from the first film.
shareGet ready for a lot of haters to start getting a whole new appreciation for this movie once the female ghostbusters comes out.
we're almost certain that ghouls and werewolves occupy high positions at city hall
Heh, I wish. But it will probably be more like some mock jaded "Even GBII was better than this!" with no clue why.
"Let them call me renegade. I don't care."
I know I actually really enjoyed and liked it more than the original to tell you the truth I kind of don't like the first one
at all so kind of boring to say
I liked the part when egon was eating twinkies & those cheez-it too
eh it's okay the original
I actually love this film...almost as much as the first. I suspect it's because I saw this one before the original (I was born in 1985).
shareIt and Gremlins 2 a severely underrated in my opinion. They are easily some of the best comedy sequels ever made.